“I am indifferent” is not the best wording; “I’m on the fence”, “I haven’t decided” or “I see pros and cons” would work better, at least in my case. Certainly not indifferent.
I couldn’t really tell from what I was able to watch of the stream yesterday, but are there still different level 4 enders? I ask because I only ever saw the same animation for the level 4 enders and I wasn’t sure if that was because the players kept performing the same level 4 ender or if there is only one level 4 ender animation per character.
And so why did they add this animation? What si the purpose? Is it due to new zoom in angle and they don’t work with the regular stage back ground? There for it goes “black” like Shago’s ultimate?
Maybe this is a sign of Ultimate’s coming soon? This is the way of testing it out?? Ultimate’s are “Enders” so maybe that’s what they are working towards?
Basically you’re asking what happens in an opener > ender situation where a previous combo has already built some white life enough to form a lvl4 ender (Fulgore’s Devastation Beam, your example…).
My guess is that opener > ender won’t trigger the animation. They already don’t cash in white life so in theory you could even do an unpunished opener > ender into juggle into ender.
Which takes me to my question. Is there a character with a regular (non-shadow) ender that can be used from a juggle state and cashes in white life? If yes, does it trigger the animation when on lvl4?
No. Only normal level 4 Enders get the animation - shadow cashouts/enders look the same.
@Dancovich - there are no non-shadow enders that can be triggered on a juggle. The opponent must always be brought back down to the ground to get a “standard” ender.
EDIT: Aganos putting someone through a wall might actually qualify, but in this instance ruin is always just the single punch anyway, and it’d be pretty difficult for Aganos to have a situation where he had enough potential damage built up on a juggle-state enemy to trigger the effect. Shadow payload assault combos are the only things I can think of that would even give you a shot at this.