Let's settle this once and for all, Which one do you want the most?

I know right? Yet it surprises me that more people want season 4 over KI4.

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I prefer they make Season 4 than KI4. But I want to see Iron Galaxy make new KI for next gen Xbox console like Smash Bros.


Are you meaning smash bros as in new characters & stages and slight balance changes (melee->brawl->wii U/3ds) or smash bros as in try to get every notable character from all of MSā€™s IPs into the roster?

Season 4 baby 8 original characters!!! I wanna see those creative juices flow.


I mean like this.

Super Smash Bros - N64 / KI Season 1-? - Xbox One
Super Smash Bros Melee - GameCube / New KI game - Xbox Two
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Wii / Another new KI game - Xbox Three

Get it??

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Yeah, and that sounds like a great idea.


oh ā€¦ and more Gargos minions DLC

If they chose to make 8 more characters, these are my choices:

Eagle - obviously male
Telekinetic character - preferably male or maybe female
Wind/air user - elemental
Mad scientist - male
Wendigo - genderless
Archer - either male or female
Gunslinger - male or female, donā€™t care
Sea creature - female because that fake leaked fish character looked hype as heck!


I would choose these for my 8 S4 newcomers

Eagle - Make him the magic archer, similar gameplay to Hawkeye MVC3 or Green Arrow Injustice.

Lovecraftian Corrupted Goddess Chaos Monster (Final Boss Light/Dark) Character - Character should be an insane corrupted goddess, Instinct mode releases the goddess portion of the horrifying entity. Should feel like a boss character.

Tar/Sludge Monster/Legion/Hive Mind Character (Creature that can exist as multitudes of himself in many locations, it serves the Final Boss)- Character can kind of move like Venom in Mvc2 or Blazeblue Arakune, contains many absorbed souls, has grapples that have long range that can absorb meter or instinct.

Shark Scientist (Stanley Skullgirls :stuck_out_tongue: ) - Through experiments the Scientist accidentally turned himself into a shark, he uses different chemicals mid match to increase the potency of his techniques, is very much rushdown and a back forward character, can dive into dimensional pool to assault opponent from various points on the screen. One of his chemicals can create a portal for him to come through to attack from where he places it.

Insectoid Bounty/Monster Hunter/Gunslinger/weapon master - Trap Heavy Zoner that focuses on mobility/escape/ variety of weapons.

Really Old Man Kung Fu Master Trope - A master of all known martial arts, he is all physicality based.

Nihilist Evil Human Stand/Puppet Character (Worships Goddess, Wants All life to die) - He starts a match not using his stand but you have the option to make your stand come out to assist you and you can even detach your stand into a puppet character at the risk of the puppet taking damage. (Djnn could be the stand possibly)

Medusa/Snake Woman (second in command to final boss) - Very uniquely moving character that cant jump due to their large slithering body, gains interesting stone freezing abilities (think sub zero) and mobility to compensate.

S3 Bonus Character = Kelvin Character - A rushdown version of Glacius same species as Glacius but his suit took the form of water.

S4 Bonus Character = Ent Tree Character - A slow large character that focuses on sap lines/traps to the opponent to slowly drain them of their life/resources


If S4 does happen I would like it to be more of a clean-up season. Iā€™m fine with having less characters than usual (we have plenty as is) and just have S4 focus more on new modes/features that fans wanted as well as graphical fixes. Then in a couple of years have a true AAA sequel.

The thing that DOES bother me (well more concern) though is the whole ā€œsave the sequel for the next consoleā€ thing. Mainly because unless you can see the future, we donā€™t know if there even going to be another console. Whatā€™s to say this isnā€™t the last Xbox console making this in turn the last KI game going by that logic?

Then Microsoft can let IG go and IG can go where they want then.

I really canā€™t stomach the amount of characters that are in this game right now. How can people possibly want 8 more? I think we could use 4-8 LESS.

I feel 26 is a ogod number. Not too big, not too small. Got that nice balance.

You must not play other fighting games, as it is weā€™ve got a somewhat small roster. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well thereā€™s a reason I donā€™t. No more than 15-20 please. I mean, do you guys actually have the time to sit down and lab up every single matchup? Itā€™s SO infuriating whenever some rando in ranked floors me with a character like Maya, Aganos, or Omen because I only see those characters like once every two months. I feel like to enjoy big rosters you have to either be a complete pro with ample time to train them all, or be a beginner who is only interested in the flashiness and just button mashes anyways.

Well actually 26 is a fairly big roster. Iā€™d wager itā€™s average size. Which I like. Itā€™s not overly bloated.

Hmmm, this is admittedly quite tough to decide.

On one hand a fourth season of new characters sounds cool, but our current roster of 26 fighters does seem good enough for now. Yet is there really a genuine character limit for this KI?

A sequel would be slick, but I can understand how some of us are so knee-deep with this KI, that it might feel like a slippery slope whatever if can be and feel new again.

But I donā€™t know, either way, letā€™s just see what plays out.

I donā€™t think you donā€™t need to be a lab-headed competitive player to enjoy the game, youā€™re forgetting that what I could only imagine is the majority of KI players who buy content are casual fans who donā€™t bother to know all of the matchups and play their best with general knowledge of characters, not frame data and all that nonsense. Honestly I think most players learn the matchups from playing the game, not spending time in training. If Maya, Aganos or Omen are giving you trouble THEN go the extra mile to learn what is needed.

It seems selfish to ask that the rest of the community settle for less characters because you donā€™t want to put forth the amount of effort you think is necessary to learn them all. Then again this opinion is coming from a somewhat low skilled player whoā€™d rather see the game grow and continue to build upon what we have than stagnate for the sake of the players who strive to be the best of the best.

MK9 - 2011
MKX - 2015

Thatā€™s 4 years total before the sequel.

SF4 had multiple versions coming out almost every year.

KI3 is barely about to be 3 years old, so a new KI wouldnā€™t surprise me. At the same time though, a fourth season would be alright for the game to last 1 more year before KI4.

What do you all think?

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