Killer Instinct Weekly Forum Battles

Nothing wrong with using Combo Assist. It’s even going to be legal at tournaments now, based on a recent News update which I’m not able to search for right now!

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You can use Combo Assist, no one has ever been turned away because they use it, and we wouldn’t start now. All skill levels welcome.


Good luck with getting off of CAM, because trust me, you’re going to need to with how good some of the folks around these parts are. That being said, we’d be glad to have you whenever you feel you’re ready. It’s already nice to see you got the forum sign-up process out of the way too. As for last weekend, you didn’t miss much as it was more of a private forum thing that week, since there was no actual stream (it had been canceled by the promoter for personal reasons).

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Oh, I wouldn’t be too surprised, and I know there isn’t. Right now my main issue is mainly just remembering to DO the linkers without the assist on.

Eh? Being on CAM or not doesn’t have anything to do with that at all. :confused:

I’m all for someone getting off the system if they want to (and it will certainly help them in other fighters), but him not using CAM has nothing to do with whether or not he’ll be able to compete at higher levels of play. He can do manuals, mix in linkers as needed (as normal inputs override CAM), etc.

If he wants to wean himself off combo assist that’s great - but it’s not necessary in any way to be able to “compete”.


Totally agree…thats just Geek being Geek and trying to put the guy down in a subtle way.

@RubyLancer Please ignore the Geek… use Cam as you please…for one…no one can even tell if you have it on or not. And 2…there is no need to ween yourself off becasue you can still use all the normal commands with it on and not even really use CAM even though its ON.

So play away my friend…and join us… I think your do just fine CAM , No CAM…or a mixture of both.

there are more ppl out there using CAM than they will admit. You would be surprised!!!

Well, I’ll stand up for GG and say I don’t think his comment was meant as a put-down, subtle or otherwise. The larger point about CAM viability was incorrect, but I don’t believe there was any negativity or animus behind it. :slight_smile:


This sentiment is absolutely correct, and I’m offended that @Storm179 and @FallofSeraphs76 would think of me like that. Using CAM can be a problem because even if he does learn how to use the standard method of doing things, if he keeps it on as you say, it then increases the likelihood of input errors, which is a perfectly valid reason why I recommend he turn it off.

how about just let him play how he wants to and not discourage him to play Forum battles because the competition is so high level as you say. its for fun…this isnt EVO…its forum battles were we welcome new players.

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So just out of curiosity - how did you manage to quote me sticking up for you as not putting him down, and then put me in the list as thinking of you negatively? Genuinely curious :joy:

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@FallofSeraphs76 If you go back and look at my initial post, you’ll notice I said, “when you feel you’re ready” - meaning I wasn’t trying to force him into doing anything he didn’t want to do. I was merely making suggestions. It’s not like I could force him to do anything he doesn’t want to anyways…

@Storm179 Haha! To be honest, I didn’t even know you were the same person! I thought there were 3 separate people! :smile:

LMAO. ha

If any of you new people want to fight me (as I’m still getting used to combo assist and the new changes that have been implemented) let me know.

I won’t be here for the next Forum Battles, unfortunately. As for the one after that, if I’m free, I’ll be there.

Thanks for the mentions as well, apologies for not responding directly to every single one.

How you been sightless kombat?

Hey man, I’d love to have a set with you. You got any time tonight?

#Forum Battles Reset

-Mr RGLOfficial has lost Internet connection for at least a few Months.

-I am now fully responsible for streaming and organization.

-We had some things planned to happen soon, so it will be up to me to get them going.

-Basically, we will have a new thread, and a final format for the stream.

-We have had a good run, but now it is time to get serious. We will focus on expansion, ease, and consistency.

-When i say “reset”, i do mean: RESET. It is time for something brand new. I hope to make a future much “smoother” than our first few months. Things got out of control. It wont happen again. The new Forum Battles will be a consistent service where everyone can have fun and receive support and entertainment.

-I will do my best to bring our plans to realization, NOT create my own, new, plan. I am JUST “baby-sitting” until RGL gets back. But because he will be gone for so long, the “baby sitting” will involve much more than just sitting around and waiting. Things need to happen.

Please try to leave this thread open for questions, as i will answer questions, and post updates here, until Saturday, where we will begin Creating “Forum Battles Season 3”.



Sadly true. I’ll still be watching, but you guys won’t see me sign in on XBL for a looooooooong time. I tried my best to make my mark with Forum Battles, I would like to believe I was successful. Thank you guys so much for participating and supporting our event. And I hope to see great things once I’m back in a few months. I know @MrxFlutterShy will do right by FB.


Thanks for keeping us in the loop! :smiley:

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Just got out of a Best Buy. Was gonna try and get a job there but they told me to go home and apply online… REAL HELPFUL GUYS!