Killer Instinct Weekly Forum Battles

I still want to know what @MrxFlutterShy was saying with his commentary during my 4-wall finish fight against that Ronindodobird-what’s-his-face, since I couldn’t hear it during the actual fight. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


A rōnin was a samurai with no lord or master during the feudal period of Japan. A samurai became masterless from the death or fall of his master, or after the loss of his master’s favor or privilege.

Wrong one GG. :wink:

I thought the Demonic Despair on moon light was just as epic!

I would’ve used the term samurai, since it’s like the polar opposite of ninja, but it was too long and they’re respected individuals anyways, which was not the point I was trying to make and why I went with the term ronin instead… :stuck_out_tongue:

If anything, I thought the dodobird aspect of it would get you more riled up…

…oh well…


Dodos were actually intelligent birds. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Oh, I never doubted their intelligence.

…but they did still go extinct and got buried - like you… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That’s pure and absolute SAVAGERY! :laughing:

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Says the ancient rock that long eroded away by nature.(dinosaurs like “that” match against a riptor player filed with salt afterwards). Lol. I can play this too.


Rocks are still around; dinosaurs are not. :wink:

…or even better - the dinosaurs got turned into rocks. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Are you saying @Ziarist is gonna start playing as Aganos? :worried:


I can’t handle the amount of savagery right now. :laughing:

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Attention Forum Battles Members:

Forum Battles has a new name!

Based on the last few replies to this thread, we have been inspired to take on a new name!

Please check the original post and the topic of the title, where you will see that our name has been changed.



I highly approve of Salt Wars.


Really? 'Cause I thought they were all pretty hardcore. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Ziarist is now going to play as Aganos accirding to GG. Plus salt wars sounds great.

Agreed, Salt Wars all the way.

I’m salty just from checking the top and finding no changes whatsoever. Still, it sounds cool - I just dont’ think it’s fitting… Oh well.

I prefer “Forum” in the title myself. Lets everyone know…this is for Forum members only and bringing new members to the forum. There shouldn’t be any Salt, because this is fun between friends…not competitive or a tournament. It should be unimposing to new participants.