Killer Instinct Season 3 Pricing Details

That seems highly unlikely. Remember, KI still has a lot of rough edges and it will have the terrible level 4 enders on day 1. Not only that but there will most likely be no story mode day 1 since it usually releases with all the characters. Not only that but they would rate the game on individual seasons not the entire package.

YOU ONLY GET RETRO COSTUMES WHEN YOU BUY THE ULTRA EDITION!! and there is no unlocking anything for retro costumes. so bottomline no ultra edition means no retro costumes, unless you buy the the character and the retro costume individually!! supreme edition is just a package of all the ultra editions of the 3 seasons

@rukizzel when r u going to upload the Launch Trailer of S3? :smiley:

Iā€™m so glad you guys are being as generous on the pricing of the Supreme Edition as you are. Iā€™ll definitely try to get it soon after launch!
Also I love how dumb-looking Retro Tuskā€™s Color 7 looks itā€™s great.

Then why the supreme edition on windows 10 cost more than the ultra edition also on windows 10?

Because the Supreme edition gets you all three seasons. The Ultra edition only gets you one season.

Because the Supreme Edition also includes Seasons 1 and 2 Ultra editions, in addition to the Season 3 Ultra.

They really should have announced this sooner though. I feel bad for all the people in all the PC threads that we encouraged to buy the seasons from the Xbox store when they could have gotten a much better deal here.


OOOOO i see, so you get combo edition s1 and s2 and ultra s3?

Try to access from the homepage.

You get the Ultra versions of all 3 Seasons.

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Man, PC players doing incredibly well. $50 for practically everything is better than I expected even in a best-case scenario.

That said,

^This. Statement please @developers . Weā€™re closing in on the point where we need to lobby TOs for a Shago ban.

KI Gold can be used to unlock accessories, customization colors for
fighters, Retro Costumes, Profile customization, and XP Boosters.

Is there anything available for me to spend
my KI Gold on this season if I already have unlocked all the current,
available items?

Yes, there will be.

Season 1 & 2 Retro Colors 7 confirmed. :sunglasses:


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Itā€™s moments like these that make me appreciate the staff behind KI and the Mods on here. We might have to wait for news and announcements for a few days, but it sure beats what Capcom has been doing. Both great companies, just diggin how IG and MS have been handling this launch.

We launched already?!


It seemed reasonable to assume information on Shadow Jago would be included in the pricing and bundle reveals for S3.

If you guys still have plans to discuss Shadow Jagoā€™s availability between now and launch next week, thenā€¦ okay.

Iā€™m going to get reamed for this one by you butā€¦

Stay tuned.


I cantt see the link? It keeps saying 404 page not found? where is the new link?

The launch of this game makes no sense to me. Why would you give a $40 preorder price for a cross-buy game, then five days later offer 3x the content for one of your platforms at a price that is just 25% higher? Why wouldnā€™t this all be announced at once? Why is this being announced less than a week from launch? Why does Aganos have 4 fingers, but 5 toes?