Killer Instinct Inktober Challenge!

Can’t wait for omen! :grin:


Rash is like: I’m comming for that DAH booty.

Wow these are cool I might try.


Rash is looking extra dank.

Can’t wait for ARIA. That’s gona be the best one.

Do itttt!!

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Rash the moist slippery dank lord of the STD’s Ribbited for your displeasure~ thrust thy pelvis before he to know his love for there is no love as deep and penetrating as the holy Rash!!!.

Here’s Cinder for Day 16! Very nearly ran out of time on this one so the posing isn’t quite there… the arm is a bit too stiff for an upercutting motion, whoops. I toyed with the idea of making it coming forward rather than being lifted but I didn’t want it to be too similar to posing in official art. On the flipside I am pleased with the face and texturing!


Aren’t his hip guards supposed to be pointed though?

BTW, do you draw these from reference or purely by memory?

Now that’s more like it!


The claws looked like a real challenge. Good job.

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Clearly you are mistaken, Gargos is going to be best. :imp:


Nope. Eyedol is going to be best than anyone!

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clears throat Ahem…■■■■ Eyedol

That is all. :smile:


“Whoa slow down babe!”

Let’s not get carried away here. We all know The director is the best. Some of us just refuse to accept it. As for eyedol…he’s too busy figuring out a cure for that millennia headache and that ■■■ whooping gargos gave him.

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I’m into some pretty kinky stuff myself…however…I can’t really justify ■■■■■■■ a oversized, ugly abomination that is eyedol. I’m sorry that thing is hideous. Just like hisako. No dice.

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I love all the character pride I’m seeing, haha. The boss lady herself shall be showing up later today!


She may be a boss now, but she ain’t never been no lady! She’s a tin can! I’ll wager that after the Shadow Lords get through with her, Oscar will be wearing her for a home on the side of the street while little monsters (children or minions, not sure which quite yet - but time will tell) play nearby and learn about ABCs and 123s… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Eh, she’s more of a woman then anyone else on the roster. :slight_smile:

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