Kilgore Walkthrough with Iron Galaxy

That’s 4pm for me, YES!

Fulgore VS Kilgore MUST happen!



I meant Delraich and Keits fight each other. Sonic, you’re going TOO fast.

Damn people are flagin’ every thing…

Keep off topic discussion to the proper threads and leave this one open for discussion of the walkthrough stream.

It sounds like lots of other info in this stream but I can’t imagine an announcement like potential s4 or stage dlc pack etc being done on a stream. Those are event level announcements… I’d love if they did talk on stuff like that though :slight_smile:

Am I correct in thinking its in less than an hour (in about 45 min?)

Crossing my fingers her, hopefully it’s info on a certain feature I’ve always wanted since s1!!~

Not getting my hopes up for any news of that though.


Just 45 minutes left!

-Kilgore breakdown
-Kilgore matches
-Kilgore pricing
-Next character teaser(could not be gameplay, just when we are going to see it)


I’m going to grab a quick lunch and then settle in for the stream. :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe they drop the new character in SL again after the stream, like they did with Kilgore…

A guy can dream…




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Looks like I’ll be around for the stream after all! :smiley:
I thought it was much later than it is. Don’t know why. Should be good!

-In Depth Kilgore demo/gameplay
-Pricing Info
-Next Character
-New Skin Packs (Terror Pack 2 w/ Wulf, Sadira, and Hisako? :heart: )
-Crimson Guardians

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What would u guys recomment, Beam or Twitch? I’m on a good wifi