KI Novella

That is what I think.

Season 4? New character: Arianna??

She would be like the leader of the hero team, where as ARIA would stay the CEO of UT. That would be the balance. ARIA would be fighting to protect humanity, where as Arianna would be fighting to protect “humans”.

I think I really want Arianna to be a new character now.

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But they are the same person though…she would (I think?) just somehow split her mind to run both her C-frame and everything else at once since she is capable of doing so.

Arianna… I forgot about hunty! Wait, who is she again? She is Ryats daughter? Correct?

ARIA’s avatar in a simulator. It’s hinted that ARIA would have been a daughter to adams (although she kinda was, daughter or wife actually).

I do find it a little funny that adams was terrified of his “daughter’s” potential.

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Could you imagine ARIA and Arianna meeting!?

This entire situation takes place on a comfy couch with the two of them in pajamas, watching Gilmore Girls…

“These two are ineffective and weak. They must be purged…”


“Sis. I am disappoint…”

(Arianna hugs ARIA. ARIA just kinda of stares, totally perplexed.)


That would be funny. Speaking of which…it was never brought to light WHAT arianna would look like. IG why did you make such a good character?

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If Arianna (the copy of ARIA) were to split off into a C-frame, I would imagine she would evolve beyond ARIA proper in a few ways. If Arianna were to gain human intuition, ARIA proper wouldn’t be able to understand her.

The way I see this being a possibility is that ARIA is just to logical to take the chance that her main “self” could be corrupted by an experimental exercise such as the C-frame. She is curious about humanity, not emotional in the sense that she wants this knowledge beyond all else. Once ARIA copies herself/uploads into a C-frame, that copy would have the ability to evolve beyond her programing due to the additional input gained through the C-frame itself.

The C-frame would undoubtedly grow/evolve beyond ARIA’s control if this were to happen.


There’s really no proof of that. There’s no way of knowing what would happen, there’s too many variables.


No proof? Of course there isn’t proof as this is all speculation…but that being the case, this is all logic.

If ARIA became “human” via a C-frame, you really think her logical self would just embrace imperfection? ARIA proper would seek to control and learn everything she can from “Arianna,” but undoubtedly the C-frame would rebel. It is just human nature.


[quote=“UncappedWheel82, post:678, topic:10120, full:true”]Once ARIA copies herself/uploads into a C-frame, that copy would have the ability to evolve beyond her programing due to the additional input gained through the C-frame itself.

The C-frame would undoubtedly grow/evolve beyond ARIA’s control if this were to happen.

Gonna be honest guys. All these ideas sound EXACTLY like the process Ryat Adams went through to make ARIA…



Dunno, would she see it as imperfection? I can’t give a answer, because I don’t have one. I mean if she got into a C-frame and it worked…I could see it as the emotions being intertwined into her systems then. That’s one way, another is she rejects them and concludes that human emotions are to unstable, or I guess she could just accept them.

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It’s really difficult to tell.

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I feel like emotions would be a Pandora’s box. ARIA gets them but doesn’t like how they cloud her cold computer logic. Maybe she would not allow a c-frame. Not saying it’s a bad idea. Sounds cool.

I think we can all agree though that a pillow fight between Arianna and ARIA would be too sweet…

Like watching a puppy swim in an ice cream sundae.

It would be interesting to see nonetheless. I do enjoy a good science experiment.

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I thought there was some small description in the 5th Novella. Young red head with freckles or something.

Was there? I guess I’ll have to re-read it.

This is one of the many reasons why I would love to engage in a conversation with ARIA… I could learn so much, interactions with another species on human terms is fascinating. Knowledge is key.

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Pillow fights are always mandatory for science experiments.

Don’t you know the goose down fluffy pillow to thermal neutrino ratio fallacy?


I think so… could be wrong. My brain tricks me all the time…