KI Novella

Glacius saves the day. Best ending ever.

I know Eagle fans are going to be ecstatic…

EDIT: I also can’t help but feel bad for ARIA here. She understands that everyone hates her but she can’t understand why, even if it’s from her father. It’s really sad.

Also, I think we need to put “Turn this novella into a full graphic novel” on our community fund list :wink:


So what’s gonna happen to Eagle now?

Without Fulgore, it’s nothing. Though it gained Eagle’s talents.

Imagine if Eagle became KI’s next shoto with Jago & Fulgore.

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Sooo… Chapter 5. Holy sh*t, the plot is really thickening; it builds upon ARIA’s extended backstory in a very satisfying way while shedding some new light on her motives. I also like how it’s tying in new events with some stuff that happened in the Season 2 story mode, paving the way for us slowly and surely.

Also, AHHHH I’m so happy Glacius finally got some time in the spotlight! Not going to lie, I was afraid all we were going to get was that fleeting mention of him escaping the Pinnacle… but no, he actually made an appearance, and he managed to totally punk the most advanced AI mind on earth to boot! I was really happy to see that, because up until now Glacius’ involvement in the story has largely come down to people using his technology for their purposes and that’s it; actually getting to see him in action as the patient (he was hiding away avoiding ARIA’s detection for quite some time!), capable, and intelligent being we know him to be, was really wonderful.

His potential team-up with Eagle is really tantalizing, too; there are so many good possibilities there. Eagle either deferring to him as a spirit guide (this works particularly well because Glacius’ attunement with his own energies could be perceived as spiritual) and trying to emulate his nobility and honor would be amazing; him learning that Glacius is an alien and the two of them coming to form a mutual respect as noble warriors would be great as well (and probably a bit more likely, ha ha).

All in all this has me super pumped for all of the storytelling possibilities now. I can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for us! :] And have I mentioned that the artist who illustrates each chapter is phenomenal as well? Love their work. GAH I can’t gush enough, you all have made this nerd very happy!


The hype is real!!!


Wait, so:

We might actually get a Frankenstein type monster?? And Eagle?!

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Eagle announced at E3?


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Anyone else get the strange feeling that Eagle could potentially be the last\next season 3 character.


I don’t think I’ve ever felt more hype from a written story in my life.


I’m not entirely sure I like this this. The Aria bit was amaze-balls awesome but…my head-cannon had eagle dead and fulgore taking over his role in the story while emphasizing his new identity as fulgore not eagle. Almost like the son of eagle…that required eagles death to be created.

With eagle alive and taken by glacius, fulgore apparently captured and kept in stasis because Aria found out he was deviating from her control and was changeing his code almost like he was gaining sentience.

Lmfao the very thing I hoped fulgore to enjoy(freedom) is now happening to the guy I wanted to not be apart of the future of ki lore, For fear of fulgore not growing as a charecter and establishing his own core beliefs and personality…and now he is in literal stasis…frozen…

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I thought for a minute Eagle died and Fulgore would carry Eagle’s soul and go neutral Scorpion-style.

Same. It’s kinda what I wanted to happen

Wow, quite a bunch of stuff going on here!

So Glacius is pulling some sweet “Now You See Me” disappearing act with Eagle. That means Glacius must have allied himself with someone who is against Ultratech, otherwise he would have just tried to steal back his tech.

Aria keeps a Retro Fulgore that is capable of reprogramming itself? Interesting. I wonder if it was the same one that TJ fought way back when. Maybe it will become more important next season as it continues to reprogram itself?

So Fulgore has a copied conscience of Eagle. What would happen if they meet on the battlefield?

With Eagle most likely allying with Glacius, could we start calling them “The Nez Pierce Freeze”? :joy:
Get it? Like the New Jersey Freeze? I’m sorry, I’ll show myself out.

I guess this confirms Eagle as the last character. I’m not sure if I’m happy about that or not. I guess Eyedol will have to wait till next season…


I dearly hope that is not the case, I don’t see what they could to make him unique and different.

Besides I think there is a lot more hype and want for Eyedol who is actually missing to complete the roster so I wouldn’t be too sure on who will the final character be.

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That… was an unbelievable chapter. From Aria’s simulations, to the question of moral fiber, to hideous female ‘c-frames’, to OMFG EAGLE IS ALIVE AND GLAY-GLAY HELPED HIM ESCAPE!!!. I was thinking Arianna or one of the C-frames would be a future character, but nope I think we’ve found the last character for S3.

EDIT:- @SonicDolphin117 use spoiler, /spoiler in the square brackets.

This chapter was amazing. They’re honestly getting better and better. I love it. So good.

Still no sign of Eyedol… One day… One day :slight_smile:

Eagle Confirmed as character, Man based on his shot, he wiill look like Necalli, The hype is real, RIP eyedol, eagle will represent you.


Im sure it maybe Eyedol and eagle as bonus character

I can’t say I’m super stoked about this plot development - Fulgore is supposed to be a cyborg, like Robocop, not a full-on robot. I thought the earlier Fulgores failed because they couldn’t handle the unpredictability of biological responses, so ARIA merged Eagle’s instincts and part of his consciousness into a wetware controller in the suit. Now we have two pure robots, two pure Native Americans, three sets of siblings and no Eyedol. Starting to get a little MK here…

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What happens to Fulgore now?

Any vibes of Cyrax, Sektor & Smoke?