If You Could Buff One character

You mean his AS laser (anti-Sadira) :grin:


Orchid, would make her grenades unblockable.


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Make orchid control her instinct cats like injustice 2 Harley control her hyenas. Give her the option of making them do a rising jump, or a sliding ground bounce that hit low. Of course there would be obvious tells what the cat will do before it hits so your not guessing whether to jump or not

Goreā€™s original laser wasnā€™t actually very good against Sadira. So long as she wasnā€™t full screen, it would basically never hit her.

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Yeah, but IIRC the devs in season 1 during a stream pretty much said that it was meant to be an answer to Sadiraā€™s jumpiness.
Eh, whatever the case itā€™s gone now. :cry:

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Heavy Big Bad Boot is invincible on wakeup, Light is safe on block.

In instinct, Tuskā€™s sword normals and specials become unblockable.

(This may or may not replace its current use)


Give Hisako the option to parry while in the air.

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Can you imagine how crazy the game would be if they actually added all these buffs?! O_o
I say they should, at least just for one patch then they can remove them.

Glacius can liquidise indefinitely :joy:

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This is why we leave it to the devsā€¦


Much as Iā€™d like this, I donā€™t think so. I like the staggering mechanic I get with Fulgoreā€™s current HP Laser. What I would do though is make heavy DP invinvcible for a few frams to ani-air Sadira making it at least worth it to try and do the DP motion.

I can understand his reasons. DP is good but FDF motions are hard to do when Sadiraā€™s jumping on your head all day and can basically just cancel her recovery of her web-daggers into widdows drop, you even dare DP and your done.

Best option is to check the suggetions people gave me about fighting Sadira on the forums.

I would make it so that Fulgoreā€™s enders grant spin speed on hit where itā€™s due. His DP ender grants spin speed from level 1 the same as 2 3, but 4 does not grant any. Blade dash ender grants spin speed on all levels. I would make it so it adds correct spin speed per hit maybe slightly reduced in value to neutral. His projectile enders donā€™t add spin speed as they are setup enders and shouldnā€™t to begin with. And maybe adjust his instinct to grant 50% of his total spin upon activation. Most of these are not really buffs, just minor changes to things already in place or things that he had in the past.



Iā€™d make it enoguh to stop Sadira from canceling unsafe web daggers into widows drop : p

Also not safe, though admittedly more difficult to reversal DP properly :slight_smile:

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Shinsakoā€™s Instinct now lasts for the entire game and can hit airborne opponents.


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I hate you. Lol

Shinsako :gun:

Those are both bugs that are actually in the game right now lol

Make it harder to tell the difference between Sabrewulfā€™s light and medium doubles, I feel ATM its too easy to tell the difference between them and Wulf can get broken easily