I still think Joanna would have been the "perfect" guest choice

I totally buy this

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You see, there’s then the third bunch sticking their oar in.

The Carrington institute. So that’s Ultratech, dD snd Carrington, all at war with each other while Gargos tears through into our dimension and messes the whole plan up. Aria of course is the only one privy to all of this and the rest of the roster are just along for the ride hoping to go back to a world that they’ll recognise.

I could see this as a big role in the story.

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We’ve discussed a lot (a LOT) of different potential guest characters as we were drawing up S3 plans, and Joanna certainly was in those conversations, as were the immediate similarities to Orchid.

Did she make the cut? You’ll just have wait and see.


love this too!

Yes the Carrington institute has dispatched Joanna at the point that things REALLY got bad. The Dimetional rifts to limbo would definitely spike on Ci radar.

Id love to see her join with Orchid
 we never knew who Orchid worked for
 we just knew she went off the radar as a spy and became a freedom fighter
 maybe her spy organisation was corrupted by Ultra Tech that left her in the field without support?

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Standard Ishmae1 comment “I hype you with ambiguous info”.

We miss your posts! We NEED your textual streams!

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We have ways of making you talk


@TempusChaoti Adam if she aint u know we are gonna need ANOTHER fund raiser lol.

i dont massively get the similarities between orchid and Jo. Not in terms of possible game play and certainly not with the new reinvented “freedom fighter” Orchid.

without that in place
 well they are just both women!

Iron Galaxy are masters at renovations and although i love Killer Instincts diversity there is room for something that feels just a touch simular in season 3.

cant wait to find out!

untill then us guys are going to get her Music, Moves, Shadows, Games play type, Story and stage sorted! :grin:

Soul Calibur 2 Gamecube is my favorite of all time! Ugh, I wish they bring my precious Necrid back.

(cough) Arbiter is perfect guest

That wouldn’t be her retro costume. That’d be her MODERN costume.

Have you forgotten that she used to look like this? Her retro costume would be based on the promotional renders for the N64 game.

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Thank GOD someone actually responds an adds clarity to the conversation!
All this uncertainty and chaos of people with what ifs and such.

Although, I do feel there could be a solid answer, you don’t have to give the development process away, you could say hey this or that character is being fleshed out, what’s so secretive about KI that it deserves CIA government type information security.

Also, on that note, Joanna Dark can’t form into a firecat, and if you ask me, has no similarity to the current Orchid, maybe the 1994 Orchid but definitely not 2013 Orchid. I think Joanna Dark could in a sense pick up where Orchid left off- a TRUE spy and operative stealth fighter, guns and reality based combat skills. She could have the gun kata someone spoke on before, a nice staff or larger gun used for melee, and awesome attachments like jax daughter on MKX

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No lol
 PD0 do you know what the 0 is for lol

It was a prequel it came becure the n64 in its lore so there for its her retro costume :wink:

No. “Retro” in this context means based on their chronologically older games.

You’re using the story reason for it being her retro costume, but not the real world reason. PD0 came out after PD, therefore her new redhead design is her modern one because it was designed after the N64 era.

I suspect that revealing a guest character on a whim isn’t among the powers that his job description lends to him.


Arbiter! Arbiter! Arbiter! Arbiter!

JUST DO IT! - Shia Labeouf

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I’m a little puzzled by the fact that some of you can’t seem to come up with a way that Joanna and Orchid could be designed drastically differently, in both appearance and gameplay details.

It doesn’t seem very hard to me, and IG is good at coming up with character designs. If Joanna is in the game, it’s a total non-issue.

That said, I’m not sure she is in the game, because to me, the point of a guest character is to convince people from the outside to give KI a try, because hey look at this cool character I know lots about and already love. And to me, Joanna Dark doesn’t really fit that bill for the modern audience. I would think something from Halo or Gears of War would make more sense just for this reason (although I don’t think they mesh as well with the KI aesthetic). I’m kinda hoping it’s not one of them, though
 but if it is, I’ll totally understand why, and there’s no doubt people who are totally not interested in KI otherwise would try the game just because of that one character.

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I think MS need to realise that Halo/Gears are not their only titles. If they keep the guest list to their top contenders, they’ll soon find there’s no more contenders left to join.

It already shows how pointless it is, given their devotion to showing off Lara Croft as a MS main, even though the next Tomb Raider is a timed exclusive.

Widen the range of characters and you can make your smaller games bigger, instead of relying on the best sellers to keep your audience coming back.

Wouldn’t you get fed up of seeing the same characters in all your games? What next FIFA: Halo edition? What about NHL: COG league? Oh, I know, Tetris: Fable world.

I agree with a lot of your post

I dunno man
 that reeks of ridiculous fun.

It does actually have a nice ring to it. Gears and Locus battering it out on the ice with chainsaw hokey sticks.

My idea Microsoft. I demand royalties. :blush:

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