Yeah, but at the same time, finding a kindred spirit in another person doesn’t mean that they would just suddenly decide to just go at it. I’m fine with the kindred spirits aspect and having both John and Makee finding common ground and trying to understand one another, just not how it was done in 8 with them “getting some”. You can still have that have that kindred spirits aspect without resorting to s ex. Instead, they took the more juvenile fanfiction route. “Oh John, I’m scarred, you’re scarred, take me, big boy, even though we don’t know each other all that well, and in a very short amount of time!”, which in turn results in Makee removing her stupid finger sword and heel-turn post-coitus (“That was the best fifteen seconds of my life!”), only to swivel again after Halsey and Makee’s being tortured again with the electric baton.
This is also problematic in that both John and Makee wouldn’t really have much experience, if any with this kind of thing. There’s no suggestion that John in the show had ever been a romantic, nor that he would ever get physically involved in that way, and unless Makee had been involved with some member of the Covenant (ew) or Prophet (which would be kind of ironic in a way, but also double EWWWW!), chances are pretty high that neither would she.
He killed them accidentally, but at the time he was being attacked by said-ODSTs after some incident with gym equipment.
True, but given his position and his state of mind at the time this occurred, it would still be a war crime under the Geneva Convention. Even if he was furious with Halsey and what she did to him, he is still under the command of the UNSC, and even though John questions his place within it, he still respects the chain of command and is a soldier through and through. He knew the consequences of his actions; he wasn’t drugged or drunk, he was in a clear state of mind and was in a position of authority, something that he should have known from the very start, and because of that, what he did was inexcusable and would be a VERY serious criminal offense. It didn’t matter if Makee was the one who initiated, it was Chief’s obligation to have shut it down before it had gotten so spectacularly out of hand.
What p isses me off, though, is that, before this episode, this could have been a 7 or 8 of 10 show, but along with the Kwan stuff and with what happened, the show has pretty much s hat the bed. Unless the last episode really turns itself around, it’s probably going to end up as a 6 out of 10 for me, although it’s also possible the last episode might be even worse, causing the rating to drop.
In recent years, that’s a different story. None of that involved having s ex with prisoners, though, which is even more serious and NOT something for the UNSC to bat an eye at.