Growing the Community: Combo Assist Mode Discussion


I’m not saying people who play on 3ds are worse(heck I play on the 3ds too) just that baseing your smash knowledge on the people you beat online in the month of January is definitely not enough evidence to say your anything better than adequate

So with combo assist I thought it was just the heavy buttons that allow you to continue combos but you can use the light and medium too? So I can do rimz style combos with out having to touch the d pad ?

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I just have to say, since CAM has released I’ve witnessed my 5 and 8 year old go at it, and get hilariously salty. And I myself have been able to pick up other characters and just mess around with some success. My 15 year old, who started dabbling before CAM released, says he really dislikes the mode, but his buddies who come over and play use it and can compete / have fun.

CAM is doing it’s job. I got on and played a few games recently in exhibition, and was playing a guy who was obviously using CAM. Out of the 5 or so games we played, he beat me once, and it wasn’t due to CAM, but my own inability to counter what he was doing in the neutral. I don’t think they guy would have stuck around at all if he wasn’t even able to get any damage on me.

Bottom line, I’m glad CAM is around, and am looking forward to playing more people in the future.


Here’s a question for the sake of curiosity - what benefit would Shago get from CAM in intermediate to high level play? (aside from an OS of some sort)

Slightly easier ground combos are all I can think of. Not too sure if juggles are effected.

I don’t assume they would be by nature of CAM’s design, but hey, you never know. Shago’s been out in the wild for a while now along with the CAM beta, and I’ve been gone for a few weeks.

Well I think if you do a juggle hit,it does an opener because TJ Combo can do a recapture opener after opener by pressing a button after the juggle normal.

but I think that shago can only recapture with a shadow move much like wulf, were as TJ can recapture just off of a special. So I don’t think that it would work for Shago unless you were hitting two buttons at once to do the shadow linker, but if it’s an opening, I don’t know how that would work???

CAM procs on Sadira juggles from what I can tell, but the effect isn’t all that beneficial from what I saw. I wound up geting a bunch of unwanted, suboptimal stuff with opener assist enabled. Think I made it two fights before I disabled it in frustration.

Its literally so you can play with your grandma and get owned.

I’ll FT10 your grandma, where she at


If this is going down, I request that it be streamed.


So KIT happened.

Can the arguments that CAM offers an advantage in high level play now all die?

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CAM would offer i think an advantage in low to mid level play. i myself have fallen into traps that CAM can bring like OS’s (i found myself getting opened up many times by it when it was released. big WTF moments lol). i also faced a turtling player who would just jab me into 1 chance break combos until i was K.O.'d. it can get pretty frustrating fighting someone who is absolutely on point with their defense that you cant get in to but hes whittling you down with fast combos and good reads for counter breaks.

after that mishap, its never happened again. however i will say that if you’re fighting a CAM user, you have to be careful and be on point with your own defense/punishes otherwise you’ll just get auto combo’d to death if you do not break or get locked out.

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Was CAM legal at KIT? Was it even used?

It wasn’t used from the stream archive I watched. There was a post a few weeks back that stated that what ever tournament he was posting for that CAM was not legal until IG fixed the OS tricks and other tricks that were being found as time went on.

I know that it is not going to be legal for KI WC, but I didn’t hear anything for KIT.

Well they didnt say anything in the commentary so it probably was legal. Otherwise they may have said something? I think it should be legal just to see if anyone uses it.

Pretty sure it was legal, I remember reading a tweet about it only being banned until the Jago glitch was fixed.

This comment sort of reminds me of the age-old automatic vs manual transmission debate. Manual is simply seen as the ‘manly’ or proper way to operate a car. That is if you’re into sports cars and if you are and choose an automatic over a manual you’re ostracized in a way. Even though getting the muscle memory down to drive a manual isn’t all that difficult. In a sense, very similar to the CA debate.

While technology is making dual clutch automatic transmissions better than their manual counter-parts, you are still losing a sense of control, connectivity and engagement that you would find in a manual. Also, as another parallel, while automatics don’t automatically make someone a better driver, it’s still seen as an easy way out.

Is it fair to look at combo assist in the same manner? It won’t make you better than the best, but it’s still an easier alternative to playing the traditional way. That’s why it’s there.

Anyway as far as people using or not using it, I personally don’t care anymore. Though it’s worth noting that CA took me from bronze to killers very quickly, so the amount of help it provides can’t be understated. I know Killer rank doesn’t mean someone’s good, but that’s still a significant leap regardless.

I’ve since turned it off though as it was becoming too problematic. I was getting shadows despite not giving the input for them and getting counter breakers instead of ultra enders. It was extremely frustrating at times, so had to turn it off. Plus, it felt cheap using it. Now, I’m back in the lab trying to break bad habits from CA.