Forums Lobby Hangout, Sat. May 2

Sorry I didn’t join in. Life got in the way. :disappointed:


Sorry guys, I fall asleep by the time I got the inv, it was a busy day and timezones doesnt help :frowning:

Hopefully next time I will be there!

Is there any footage?


I didn’t record any of it. I don’t know that it would hold up as entertainment if you’re not participating - a few of the matches between @KevBones10, @WebNRagnarok and @BubbRubb4Real were interesting at a competitive level bit mostly it was just hacking around having fun.

If I do it again I will launch the lobby earlier in the day.


Sorry I missed it… I forgot about it and next thing I new I fell asleep with the baby on the couch. Woke up and it was 8pm central… meaning you guys were probably done.

Im glad you guys had fun though… maybe next time Ill make it.


I learned that Sadira vs Arbiter sucks. :joy:

Honestly the chatter was my favorite part though… Also… I’ve always pictured @BigBadAndy with a very deep voice. It surprised me he sounded normal… I, sadly, always sound like a hyper chipmunk. :joy:

Also, I forgot I was chatting via my PC, so I went to bed and I heard somebody talking to me around 11pm… :sweat_smile:


I am very sorry for bodied you so hard. But seriously, it was fun to play with you. We should play casual matches someday. :slight_smile:


I had a great time last night, thanks @WebNRagnarok, @BubbRubb4Real, and @BigBadAndy for the matches, and @BigBadAndy for hosting!

Sorry I don’t have a mic either, as it’d be great to talk to you guys too. Oddly, I couldn’t hear anything anyone was saying either, but oh well.

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You’re one of the best Arbiters in the world. It was an honor to be bodied. In truth, I know next to nothing about the MU, as most of the Arby’s I fight suck, and those are far and few between.

Yeah, we should play more often. I had more fun last night than I’ve had in months.

I hope you had fun and that it was a “success”. Was caught up in a Granblue tournament myself so could not join.


People showed up and had a good time. I had a good time. So definitely a success.

It’s really good for me to get a chance to play KI outside of ranked matches. We all had a chance to play some of the fun characters we might not otherwise touch and to casually talk about the game.

I’m thinking about trying again for this coming weekend. If MS so much as flashes a KI logo on screen on Thursday I will do it for sure.


I’ll be there for sure. :sweat_smile:

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Good to see we still have some spirit here! I’m hella late and going through a weird spot but I support the hell out of my KI Forum peeps brawling and having a good time! If I get into a good position between work and other responsibilities I’ll be there to behold the whoopin’!



Well, rumors about the Thursday event are tanking my expectations. But it seems like there’s enough interest to run the lobby. I’m around all day with nothing going on as far as I know. If I start it at noon EDT that might give @Dayv0 a chance to join. How do people feel about a 12:00 start?


Are we talking about 12pm Est?

What day, Thursday or Saturday?

Yes, 12PM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time).

On Saturday @Juxtapose13. Sorry for the confusion - MS is showing some Series X gameplay on Thursday but rumor is it’s all 3Rd party stuff.


I’d be up for then. Count me down boys!


Cool, if I’m able to make it, it’ll be a few hours later. Hopefully see you guys then!

I’m sad I missed the first go around, but I’ll try to make it for this next one. Will be nice to fire up some KI and get my ■■■ whooped, brings back so many memories :laughing:


I don’t think I have you in my friends list so shoot me a friend invite between now and Saturday so you don’t have trouble joining the lobby.
Gamer tag… BigBadAndy