For Honor

The unlocked third person fighting, momentum movement, dodging, and stamina systems work very much like Dark Souls’ does.

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The stamina in For Honor behaves, quite literally, the same exact way as Dark Souls stamina. With the exclusion of gaining stamina from executions, and that’s because Dark Souls doesn’t have executions or anything of the sorts. As for the momentum movement, Dark Soul’s 2 is the only game with momentum, and even then it’s so minuscule it barely matters. The only time you can tell it’s there is when making a 180 degree turn or getting stagger hit while running, but tanking through with poise.

I’ll be getting For Honor next time I have the money. I was expected to be let down by the game thinking that it would die in a few months time but after playing it for a few hours I was instantly hooked. And the game only gets better as your own skill grows over time. I heard that Nobushi and Orochi were damn good so I gave Orochi a whirl. I lost a lot to Peacemakers so I decided to switch it up a bit and played Kensei because Nobushi has a strict learning curve, and I had yet to even attempt learning her mechanics. So with Kensei as my main and being one of the easier character to learn I was able to pick up the game pretty quick. If you jump into practice mode against the AI, and just learn every combo, his grabs what works and what doesn’t, you can probably pick up the game a lot faster too. I learned all of his combos, his grab range, bad mathup’s, what to watch out for and figured out how to do some high level stuff.

The skill based matchmaking works really well too. A friend who mained Peacemaker, another who mained (I forgot his name but the viking with the REALLY fast revive), and me with my Kensei, we found ourselves against increasingly difficult opponents. Well, that was until we WERE the increasingly difficult opponents. There is a serious amount of depth to the game, don’t let people tell you otherwise.

My main combo with Kensei at the peak of our performance against the best players we had played was.
Letting my opponent attack so I side stepped to counter and attacked with a grab - that grab acted as a way to execute a chain ender, one of mine being a unlblockable that is easy as hell to dodge - after hitting once with the first heavy attack, I have to move my stance to the top to preform the unblockable - charge up the unblockable so that it shows up orange on my opponents screen - fake the unblockable out into a left or right stance light attack, that would then hit Vice versa the first attack (left or right) and then back into the unblockable up on the top stance.

Would kill in one combo almost every time.

There’s also a huge meta game, we developed a strategy while playing Elimination. (4v4 Deathmatch, revives allowed and boosts scattered around the map, can’t be revived if executed)
If one of us had a bad matchup off of our spawn, we would keep them occupied by basically running away, which believe me guys… It’s a legit strategy. Running away is a things, trust me, I swear lol. ANYWAYS, once one of us finished off our guy, the person with the bad MU would then lead their opponent to friendlies fora 2v1 situation. Another way we did it was leading bad matchup’s to others who had a good matchup and then we would trade opponents so there was no bad matchup’s. lol. (I hope this paragraph makes sense, probably not lmao)

There are also such clutch and hype moments. I had a 3v1 and all enemies were at half health. My character has really high range and I stacked damage in my gear. Anyways, popped revenge at vitrually no health, Zone attacked and killed 2 of them. Overhead unblockable to execution to finish off the last guy. WAS HYPE.

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As an avid souls fan I’d say there are certainly similarities to the combat and I’d also say the combat is far more technical and the AI is more interesting.

Don’t kid yourself about souls combat, it’s nothing special. It’s about learning enemy patterns and how to deal with them. This is fun but it’s nothing new, such concepts have been around since megaman 1.

Some things not mentioned here. Coop modes are sprinkled into a number of different places in this game. The storymode allows for coop and you can replay it. The multiplayer modes can also be played against AI in a coop setting and if you’re a casual player who is looking for something like that they even have daily missions for coop against AI.

Right now matchmaking is a little mixed since the game is so new. Some players played both betas and have a lot more experience than the day one folks. There is no MMR as of yet the best you have is levels which is more of an indication of time played than it is skill. For example I beat a level 15 Warden as a level 3 Peacekeeper in a duel this morning. Ubisoft has said they will be coming out with a ranked system that will have seasons. It sounds similar to what overwatch is doing.

The way I have been describing this game to my friends is it’s a 3D fighting game like soulcal with multiplayer modes. Some people think it’s cheesy to get knocked off a cliff or thrown into a trap but I equate that ring outs in other fighters, you need to be aware of your surroundings.

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LMAO, The people that complain about being thrown off of ledges, into traps, spike walls, and hazards in general are the same people that complain about learning fighting games and are always way too casual in the games they play.
If they were smart they would just avoid the ledges… It’s literally a strategy. You won’t ever see me fight a Raider near a hazard, nuh-uh man, that spells death. There are times where you are forced to fight near hazards, like in duels, and all you have to do is tech the grab, or stay out of range of the grab. E-Z as pie man.

The only issues I have with the environmental kills is that certain attacks like the Raider’s charge can carry you a really long way before dumping you into death, so it’s incredibly difficult to avoid even if you’re being careful about standing far enough away that a guard break throw isn’t dangerous.

In my experience it’s the toughest in 1v1 Duel mode on certain maps/fighting arenas, and easier to fall prey to (but less frustrating) if you’re blindsided in a 4v4 mode.

It’s not unbalanced or anything, but because he can carry you such a long way it’s a lot harder to protect against that, for example.

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He has an unblockable that can basically (I think it might be able to chain directly but I don’t know) chain directly into a grab. The raider, that is.

I guess what I’m saying is that against the Raider in particular, you can’t just stay the typical (theoretical numbers incoming) 50 feet away from a hazard in order to avoid being thrown in, you have to be at least 150-200 feet away.

The grab is definitely to be feared, though it is avoidable with practice.

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Yeah, it is pretty damn scary. I was just elaborating on what you had already stated.

Honestly, I accept those cheap kills because in real battle cheap kills happen. No one cares if you’re more skillful as long as you are dead. Also you get to come right back for another shot and your skill will average out over time.

The part that had me frustrated was the failure to be able to use the tools in a way that seemed to make sense. I solved this problem by vowing to never use the Guardian again. So now I’m good…

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I just cant stand the blocking. Its way to hard…Id rather just dodge and run away like everyone else does.

Did you see the Conan O’Brien Clueless Gamer with For Honor? Hilarious!

Though being outnumbered is difficult, the right defense can turn it all around.

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Yupp! Nice work!

Play Orochi. FANTASTIC counter-attacker. Dodge in the direction that your intended to block RIGHT before your hit and you’ll counter them, off of this Orochi has MANY option; grab, throw, combo, dash back etc. He also has the ability to run away or outrange your opponent when needed. Sounds like he would be pretty good for you.

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Blocking in For Honor is actually easier than blocking in KI once you get the hang of it. You have much more time to react, this is why as you become more advanced parrying becomes more important as well as feints and guard breaks since it becomes much more difficult to get damage and those methods are the only ways you can get guaranteed damage.

I play PeaceKeeper who has a handicap in guarding being that the guard fails if you stay to one side so you have to essentially reaction guard attacks and even with this handicap I have no problems blocking incoming attacks.

Ok. This was cool.


I’ve recorded others, if you want to look through my captures on XBL.

I definitely believe you would have a good time with the game.

I might stream it later this week as well.


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When I finally get the game, anyone who wants to try and take a swing at beating me, let me know.
I might even get it today.

Hmm. Looks cool. I’ll reconsider.

I played the Beta and I ■■■■■■■ LOVE IT!! WOOOO! so much fun! Feels like a whole new genre of a game!

Note: added FX for more comedy.

A few clips from this evening, including taking down all four members of the opposing team (granted two were weak after killing my teammates).

There is so much to love about this game.

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