For Honor

Since I haven’t played it, I’ve heard the fighting system is not too different from Dark Souls. It seems cool. Beta installed today, so let’s see if I can actually start it up, instead of it crashing over and over.

It’s got a light and a heavy attack that you combine with a direction and the speed is similar to Dark Souls. The combat is very different in terms of how you interact with dueling opponents. But it’s closer to Dark Souls than, say, dynasty warriors.

I’ve played a bit. I’m finding it a touch frustrating, partly because I’m still getting used to the scheme and it’s hard to get a feel for what beats what. Mostly, if two opponents attack you you are dead.

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Yes I heard the attack direction is different and difficult at first. Every move has a counter from what i read. Sort of like KI classic 2.
Figuring out what counters what will take time.

GGS to @BigBadAndy. That was fun!

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Yeah ggs @KevBones10

It’s got a lot of complexity plus a lot of 3D movement. People spend a lot of time justrunning away from you. There’s a lot of different moves as well as special properties speeds etc. it’s super frustrating when you die…

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The game is so much like a fighting game; you improve by learning your characters’ strengths, special moves, and general role, then use what is essentially free-roam footsies to make sure you are engaging in the proper way, and maximize the number of fights that are 2v1 or better in your favor, while minimizing the times you get ganged up on and killed.

I have enjoyed the Warden the most so far, but I tried the Peacekeeper (an Assassin’s Creed-esque Knight character) and really loved playing her. She has counters, parries, cancel tricks, target combos; all really awesome tools if you practice them.

Oh yeah, the game also has practice modes, just like a fighting game.

Here are a couple cool kills as the Peacekeeper, including using a throw into an evironmental hazard for an instant kill!

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The server went down during my first 10 mins in the tutorial…so far…ehhhh… not what I was hoping for combat mechanic wise. Im on the fence now about buying the game. I have 4 other games Ill be playing in the next 4 weeks… For Honor has now falling to the bottom of the list. Maybe Ill get more into it the next 2 days…but so far its going to take some practice to enjoy the LOCK ON system.
They could have kept the directional attack in place but the lock on should have stayed like Dark Souls and other games with similar lock on’s.

I did have a lot of fun designing my CREST shield!

As soon as the server went down I said ■■■ it and got back on Dark Souls 2… loving that ■■■■!!!

Yeah, I really WANT to like this. But I’m finding it incredibly frustrating. First of all, it might be nice to get a toggle on/off for the target system. As it is, it gets annoying to be holding down LT 90% of the time. Probably not too many players dealing with arthritis in their left index finger, but it’s not fun…

I do okay with the Warden, but I picked up the guy with the shield and morning star as a second for when people instalock the Warden in brawl. And I just can’t do squat with him.

I think one of the things about this game is there are going to be some really tough character matchups. Anyway, I’m going to try to put some more time into the beta. The servers definitely need work, but the game has a lot going for it in terms of production and presentation. But I spend about 50% of my time wanting to throw my controller through the tv.

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It took you practice and what, two times of purchasing either Bloodborne or one of the Souls games before you sat with it enough to really enjoy it? I recommend you do the same with For Honor; play a ton of the beta this weekend and think of it as learning a fighting game because the duel aspects are so close to a FG it isn’t funny. The practice modes and videos will show you how to play each character, and if you check out the move list you’ll see the multitude of options each character can do, with all the various target combos, cancels, special attacks etc.

The servers were only down for something like 10 minutes last night (Guttermagic and I were mid match when they took the servers down) and as awesome as the Souls games are I think you owe it to yourself to spend as much time during the beta messing with FH as possible.

@BigBadAndy I definitely recommend watching the videos for each character you’re trying to play because you can learn a LOT from them. The Conqueror (I’ve never played as it but I think this is reasonably accurate) wants to turtle. He can block all directions at once for the cost of a bit of Stamina, so the really successful Conqueror’s I’ve fought against seem to slowly take whacks at me while blocking most/all of my attacks, then really open up the damage when I’m low on (or out of) stamina. I believe his most damaging arc is the top one, but again, the videos and movelist could tell you more specifically.

As for the left trigger to lock on thing, I wonder if there is an option in the control settings? What I suffered from originally was always going into lock mode when near an enemy, which isn’t always what you want. You have to gauge whether there are any allies or enemies around, and what environmental hazards are near, because sometimes not locking on is actually better since you’re more mobile.

LOL…me too! I was like WTF?? This is not how I envisioned the combat. It doesnt feel natural to hold LT down to block and target.

That’s good advice. In my defense, I watched the videos for the Conqueror (thanks for supplying the name) and then promptly went back into the game with my strategy in mind and got dunked all over the place by Samurai, who seem to be plus on everything (to borrow the FG lingo).

His defense is A+ but I can’t ever seem to inflict much damage. I’m sure I’m just missing something but in brawl matches it’s basically just “wait until your partner wins or loses and then you either win by double teaming or lose that way.”

I will definitely keep playing through the weekend and hope to not destroy my controller. I’m running into a lot of “wait how do I activate this power?” Click click “there it is” (murdered while initiating power up) “damnit!!” I do significantly better as the Vanguard, but the same issues are all present. Often when I win I don’t feel like I earned it and when I lose I want to punch somebody. It may just be that conqueror is not for me, but since I’ve already worked him to level 6 I’m feeling stubborn about it.

As a specific aside, he interrupts any attack strings with his blocking, but I never seem to be able to counter hit. Is there a specific mechanic here that I’m missing?

It might be the timing; I would experiment (or check in the How To section) and see what specific attacks can counter after a block. Might be a good idea to try a right-side light.

What I believe the Conqueror wants to do is to wear down the opponent’s stamina, and force a situation where he is disruptive more than anything. He can do a good amount of damage but since he is slower, he wants to weaken the opponent first. What he’s also good for in the Dominion mode (which I personally find to be the most interesting, alongside the straight up 1v1 duel mode) is capturing or holding a point by himself, because often it will require two enemies to kill him. This means that his teammates should either have a 3v2 advantage elsewhere, or one or more can come to assist him.

I think that is a product of not being used to the mind games of the block/attack system yet. I am getting a hang of it but still have a long way to go myself. What has been a help for me though is just getting comfortable with how and when to engage/disengage, swapping between lock and free roam, and playing the attack-arc games. I need to learn more character specific combos, styles etc, as well as making sure I am alert enough so that I’m avoiding or using hazards properly, and double teaming or escaping a double team when necessary.

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Had multiple “this is Sparta!” moments last night throwing opponents off bridges or into pits. Peacekeeper is what I want to play, but the demands of constant on-point blocking or dodging put quite a mental strain on you vs. the other classes that at least can buffer defense for a moment so you can think.

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I was really positively surprised by the beta. It plays really well, and feels very solid. The controls do seem to take some getting used to, I kinda feel like I’m either really getting the hang of it, or getting utterly slaughtered, because in a pinch I can’t seem to have the necessary muscle memory for it yet.

This is something I actually appreciated a lot, as it seems to have a lot of depth and skill to the combat system.

Now, what’s throwing me off is that in this sort of game, I don’t really wanna buy the game solely for the MP. Anyone know if the final game will actually have a single player campaign mode, or if what we have in the beta will be what we have in the final product, in terms of content?

They have definitely stated that there is going to be a single player campaign, but I don’t know whether it is one campaign stretching across all three factions, or if it is three separate campaigns.

If you watch the intro video (sit at the splash screen for long enough) you can see that there is some group of people (I think) which is keeping all three factions at war, so I assume the eventual story will end with the three factions working together to take the group down once they are revealed.

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I have yet to play it, looking to play it now. Will provide my experience later,

My Beta STILL doesn’t work. Looks like I’m going to have to take a leap of faith and purchase this game without trying it…

Is it worth a blind purchase? (If that makes any sense)

Here’s the problem with that question; I have played it and think it is worth buying.

I can’t give you a “worth a blind purchase” answer, really.

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There has definitely been a single player campaign promised from the start. Ages ago they showed some parts of the campaign and I’m sure you can still dig up the video online. I wouldn’t expect much more than a mix of the MP modes played against the CPU, with cutscenes added throughout. Based on the level of production and the opening cinematic, these might be pretty good, though. I think they could do a lot with some fairly simple scripting around the mechanics that are already in the beta, but it’s clear that the gameplay focus is on the MP.

Edit: @TheNinjaOstrich that’s a tough one. The game is clearly well done and although there are some server issues it seems pretty obvious that it has a lot of depth and potential replay value. But as of right now, I’ve almost played my way out of purchasing it. My aggravation/enjoyment ratio is really high and I don’t know that I really want to devote myself to this game the way it’s multiplayer grind clearly is meant to be played.


@BigBadAndy @xSkeletalx @KevBones10

Hey guys Im playing the tutorial right now and I went into the options to change the controls. You cant change the control layout but… YOU CAN CHANGE THE LOCK ON MECHANIC TO TOGGLE.

SO instead of holding down LT all the time you can just press it ONCE to lock on and then to unlock press again. Now how this effects changing targets Im not sure since changing targets in the tutorial is “Press and release LT quickly” .

I also changed the sprint mechanic to “Hold down L3” instead of “click L3 once and stop moving to end sprint”

M getting better and enjoying a bit more now, but I still haven’t really played the game yet since IM still int he tutorial.

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