For Honor

Who’s still playing this? I’m kinda bored with it but still grinding. I’ve set a few goals for it:

  • Get my main to Rep 30 (the max)
  • Get 100% achievements (might skip realistic story mode) which means getting one rep 1 hero in all factions

I haven’t played in ages but just because my time is so limited and I have spent it on other things.

I still play, nearly every day. I’ve got my Warlord almost to Rep 13 now.

I plan to get all of the achievements as well, the only non-timed achievements I have yet to get are finishing the Story Mode pickups, reaching Story Level 30, and completing it on Realistic.

I’ve been playing with @TheNinjaOstrich when our schedules allow.

Speaking of which, @TheNinjaOstrich feel like playing tonight?

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I might not. I’ve got papers to write, and Final Exams all this and next week. I’ll let you know if I have free time.

Shame I got this on PS4. Can’t even play with y’all

Should’ve searched the forums first!

What do you think of the game? What classes do you play?

Dude that finisher with the conquerer, holy ■■■■, ow. XD

As for classes: I use the Kensei and Lawbringer.

The Kensei drives me insane. His strikes are fast and his side-dodge attacks are safer/better than most Assassin class heroes’. I need to work on parrying him more.

I hate peace keepers, feels almost unfair that they not only get to strike multiple times and stab rapidly and dodge easily, they get high bleed damage to, which just feels unnecessary to me. Lol

but we all have to live with it.

I haven’t played since yesterday’s patch so I need to see how fighting against a PK feels after the changes; in my opinion though they still haven’t fixed the bigger problem with PKs, which is the speed and damage of her light attacks (the grab-stabs are fine in my book, that’s a unique part of their kit) and the fact that on a console at 30fps you can’t swap guards fast enough to respond to changing directions once you’ve been hit, you have to take a preemptive guess before they even change the direction of their attacks.

I wouldn’t have such an issue if it didn’t cause so much bleed damage in the first place XD

Bleed damage is laughable if you max out your debuff resistance.

I traded mine in along with my PS4 for a PS4 pro :wink:
I was just too dissapointed in the game overall.

Yeah, but imagine KI was this beautiful, though.

So I haven’t played this in quite the while. Did Season 1 of the Faction War ever end? :slight_smile:

It just ended on Tuesday or Wednesday, actually. Vikings ended up with the win.

The Season 2 patch is three weeks out, and the two newest characters, the Centurion (Hybrid for the Knights) and Shinobi (Assassin for the Samurai) will be out then.

They’re adding new gear, both visually and stat-wise, and raising the Gear Score cap, among other stuff they’re going to tell us later. I’m definitely excited!

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Played the patch yesterday!

Confirmed: Still suck with Nobushi lol.

Getting better though. Using her dodge a lot more and canceling recovery frames. I think that’s the key to that character.

Pretty clear at this point that ubisoft has no idea how to balance a game or even make it slightly interesting.
Each hero has one cheesy tactic that can break the turtle meta and to win you pretty much have to spam that. That’s it. It’s like being the only kid in the arcade who knows how to throw, or how to do hadokens. That’s how deep For Honor is.

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But… but it’s still fun. Right? :slight_smile:

Yeah, I just can’t take it too seriously. A bit of mashing, a bit of fun. Silly executions, silly emotes.

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