You can change the difficulty of shadows? That’s confusing lol.
Good news everyone! I did some tests, and Kyle AI is fixed! Shadow Counters, Frame perfect punishes, psychic breakers, nasty set ups, input reading…
The whole shebang!
Was there a patch today? I’m pretty out of the loop.
That’s great to hear! Hopefully that means they won’t have moments where they’ll do absolutely nothing and just block everything thrown out and not punishing.
Yep, 3.7 came out today. Here’s the patch notes
Though there were also some stealth fixes. Plus a new bug or 2
Serious? Nice. I wonder if they do the ultimates.
Ultimate Pack 2 isn’t till May. Sorry.
There are lots of threads to checkout for more information on what came out of World Cup. Check em out!
No, I mean the current ones, apologies like Jago’s?
I’m not sure what you mean.
Edit: OH, you mean the AI! Maybe
Yeah, it’ll be cool if they do use them.
Just tested the AI; Tusk vs Maya and Maya did the ultimate!
So wait, this is finally fixed? If so, this is AMAZING news!
I resulted watching CPU vs CPU matches in very hard difficulty because Kyle was just too dumb. On very hard CPU’s at least gets to finish combos (sometimes) so the matches weren’t just super slow “take turns to attack” festivals lol. Yesterday I tried Shin Hisako vs someone and she did one shadow counter on the last match! I didn’t try Kyle so I just thought it was an accident. Super happy if they fixed Kyle!
They have, they fixed it!
The AI hates me it always blocks knocks me down and does it again then if Im doing a combo it breaks it they do need to fix it.
Kyle will, since it’s meant to be the hardest. I can now watch cpu vs cpu matches with the ultimates and new characters.
I feel like the AI has slowly been descending into idiocy over time. Its behavior now exemplifies this though.
It still has it flaws of course; it would be cool if there were a way to mod the AI and stuff; improve things and modders could get involved; have AI tournaments and stuff.
Overall, I’m just glad they use ultimates, do combo breakers and shadow counters again.
Oh boy I can’t wait for Gargos to kick me even harder
Been playing sets against Kyle CPU. I haven’t had this much fun with KI in a very long time!
To add onto the excitement, fighting SHisako on that setting has been a real treat!
Kyle Ai is finally fixed! Thank you so much devs, CPU vs CPU matches are fun to watch again.