Fighting Game Complainers

Just get yourself a local X1 that is setup without KI, get a combo breaker pack for early S2, pop it in on an Xbox that isn’t connected to the internet, install and BAM! Unpatched S1 KI. I used this method to snag Fulgore’s ultra record long after S2 launched. Food for thought. Any tourneys would be local competition and practice could be done as well. Just requires the physical copy. Just never let the game update, and that console can’t have automatic updates on or you’ll have to redo the process to get it back to S1.

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Grounded approach?

Characters that prefer to fight on the ground rather than in the air (although I’m not sure it’s turning out to be all that applicable to SFV, a game where there is lots of jumping).

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Not that much emphasis on stagger or flipouts. There are crush counters and flips, but they are naturally slower because of the pace of the game so its much more easy to react too.

I disagree. Light aa is still not completely gone. People who can’t dp, don’t have a dp or have a poor crouching/standing fierce rely on jabs to aa. At least compared to KI, I think SF is a lot more careful in approach and jumping is less frequent. Though, could just be the matches I watch.

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There is less jumping than in KI, but there is still a lot of jumping. People who expect SF to be all about grounded play will have to deal with a lot of hard-to-antiair moves where your reward is a jab and a reset (sometimes), but their reward is the whole round.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Been playing since day one of season one. Imo patch 3.7 is the most balanced (once again Imo) and most fun the game has ever been. Also I run into some negative players but honestly I’ve run into far more people who are sending good games messages and spreading positivity. I’m having the most fun ive ever had with the game weather I’m winning or losing. It’s a game people enjoy it for what it is. If your not enjoying it anymore than quietly (key word QUIETLY) move on and let us enjoy the game. You all know what they say about opinions and a holes right???

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That’s any game for you though, at least any of the mainstream games. Still in comparison, based on the complaints of flipouts and staggers, SF might be a viable option. Lot more footsies and jumping is slightly less frequent than it is in KI.

I agree, although one thing to me that seems unbalanced is the damage output of certain characters.

If a person is complaining about flipouts and staggers, SFV contains air resets and crush counters (basically flipouts and staggers in all but name) and they are perhaps the two most important offensive tools in SFV.

I’m not trying to convince people to NOT try SFV, by all means they should try it out. Just that they should be prepared for the type of gameplay they will experience, which is a somewhat scrambly game where jumping is pretty common at all levels of play (but especially beginner to mid-level) and you will get flipped out and staggered often. If they wanted a game with no jumping and no flipouts then it’s hard to recommend SFV (or, really, any game).

In fact, I encourage people to play SFV just to experience the rest of the genre, so they can see how mechanics work in other games and gain perspective on stuff.

Right, I mentioned that but because of the pacing it is easier to react to if you are coming from KI. There truly is no simple fighting game, but footsies and fundamentals are heavily emphasized in SF… unless you’re Balrog. In that case, accept death.

What makes me cringe about KI are flippout and stagger. Season 1 & 2 were way more interesting the way it was. The more there are seasons the more this game become something else beside KI. Yes they want to bring new things to the game but its turning into something that’s going completely different from KI-KI2. Couldn’t it retain something from original games beside characters? Everytime a new character joins the roster it impact the whole game and its whole balance.

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I can see that. Glaci hits like a friggin truck lol!

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Kudos to everyone for taking a rant thread (albeit a well meaning one that I pretty much agree with - but nevertheless still a rant post) and turning into something productive.

I don’t have a ton to add, although @Infilament’s first post is the saddest thing I’ve read in a while on these forums.

I take it as a given that not everyone has to like the game, agree with its “direction” (however you define that) or be a fan. But streaming negativity constantly is a d.ick move. Period.

I agree with @FeverAyeAye - @INDIxion is a fantastic SF player who is not the best player of KI. But his is one of the only streams I watch because you can tell he’s enjoying the game. And I want to enjoy the show not constantly hate on the game.

What this tells me is that there is a big unmet need for positive KI streamers. @ItzTymeToDul is a good one. I would certainly encourage people to tune in to his stream. And if any of you players are thinking about doing more positive KI streaming go for it.


KI-players don’t seem to understand how nice they have it. I’ve been playing SFV since launch (that’s over a year) and that game is just so disrespectuflly developed it’s appalling.

At least IG cares about their game, updates it what like every third month? Communicates to us, EXPLAINS the rebalancing they make.

Whatever errors are in the balance in KI, at least you won’t lose an entire match because your opponent hit you with ONE heavy kick xx v-trigger after you outplayed them for 50 seconds. In KI you’re at least allowed to make a few mistakes and you’re given time to adapt to your opponent because of how (great) the health system works.

Some things in KI might be a bit too crazy but step over to SFV and play pseudo-footsies with 7 f input lag and jump normals that disregard anti-airs, overcome all that, and then die to one st.HK crush counter into v-trigger and see how good that feels.

KI is a ■■■■■■■ amazing game mechanically - a FG gameplay archetype that is so solid it should be used forever, a bit like Chess. I only want to see aesthetic updates; better faces, less clunky animations, and more satisfying sound effects! Oh and lots of ultimates. :wink:


Intresting question. Two possibilities are

1: Perhaps its because they don’t wanna admit that KI is a good game to them.
2: As much as they have disdain for Season 3, they have bonded with KI just enough to not leave it. So there only outlet is bashing it.


@INDixion let’s not forget that at one point you get malware if you downloaded SFV on PC which was supposed to be an “anti-cheat” method.


SFV has good gameplay… but everything else is a mess. Bad netcode, subpar graphics, glitchy character models, overall lack of content, existing content being lackluster, such as the story modes, survival mode, even training mode is lacking compared to other games…

SFV was a disappointment. How the mighty has fallen.

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I remember there was a guy, i think a pro player actually, who literally said “If you want an arcade mode you can go jump in a lake”?

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Now back then I used to complain about KI but that was a while ago and now I learn to accept losing and I do see those KI haters giving dumb reasons for why it’s not good for example its not like the original or a another annoying one counter breakers was not in the originals and so on but its also MK that gets hate as well I’m one of those people that don’t get salty in fighting games I grew up with them and still love them KI is almost perfect my minor complaint is the AI and its blocking but other then that I love KI and I couldn’t agree more with you.

Pro players only care about online mode and tournaments. They don’t care about all the other stuff that… you know, the stuff that makes sure the game sells! You know… the actual content of the game!

SFV was rushed out for the pro players… and that’s why it sold bad, because catering to pro players is catering to a minority.

So yeah, cool that the pro players are enjoying the game. The tournament scene is the only reason SFV is still a thing. SFV is just not a game for everyone else though.