Eyedol community fund

So many devs working on KI have publicly expressed their disinterest in making Eyedol publicly, both from the design team to the combat team. Even Ken Lobb has said this (possibly on behalf of the team, but still)

Couldnā€™t the same had been said for the KI2 characters though? I do distinctly remember some not so friendly comments about them as well. I think itā€™s really a matter of ā€œhow can we improve this concept, make it likeable but also still recognizable?ā€ Rather than basing it on personal dislike.

Keep in mind gargos and the KI2 newbies were pretty generic and a far cry from what felt like KI character at the time but they all turned out pretty amazing despite this. The dislike may be there for Eyedol but I donā€™t think itā€™s too different from making a barbarian or generic gargoyle fit into a cyberpunk/futurustic setting.


You want guests.

What was proposed for the community fund was: Stage ultras in S1 Stages, Touching up/Fixing S1 retros, and a shadow character.(which Iā€™d like the alt character not to be ā€œshadowā€ it cheapens Shago)

Now Iā€™d like a stealthy ā€œpantherā€ style Orchid with her tonfas.

I think its possible to sculpt an Eyedol out of Aganos as an alt character, if push comes to shove.

Pretty sure heā€™s already confirmed guys along with these new characters

Itā€™s fanmade.

Lol wtf had me convinced

The lack of Abritor shouldā€™ve been a clue.

I hope so. Then we have more important things to fund. If he get possessed by Omen that would be just dope. We could have another Omen trailer chapter 2 as a sequence of his attempt to hold Jago as a vessel.

Iā€™d prefer if Eyedol was just included in the game rather than being a community funded event. I mean, all other original KI characters are accounted for and added without the need for a community fund, why not Eyedol?

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No. I want new characters. As in, never seen before.

For the last time, IF Gargos is in S3, heā€™ll be playable.
IG overstated that they wonā€™t ever do non playable bosses again.

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For the last time? Boy Im not your kidā€¦so dont direct your scolding towards me. I can have an opinion. I want Gargos to be playableā€¦ but I can express that I have a feeling that things are not what they seem. When did IG state this? Show us. Actually I really dont give a damn. We will find out soon enough.

If theyā€™re going to do Eyedol, they might as well do him right. Make him a playable sub boss. Give him the same amount of colors and accessories as every character gets. Put him in the story and give him a role that makes sense. If they want to reimagine parts of his appearance to make him suit what theyā€™d like to do from either a style or gameplay perspective (or both), I have zero problem with that.

Of course, Iā€™m sure some around here will shriek like banshees at the idea of not getting him exactly like he looked in 1995. To me, IG canā€™t please most of those people regardless of what they do, so Iā€™d rather they make the game they want to make, rather than tilt at these particular windmills.

That also means if IG doesnā€™t want to do Eyedol, than thatā€™s fine by me too. Iā€™d like to see him in the game, but if thatā€™s not what they want, then so be it.


I feel like, if anything they will not do a Community fund for just Eyedol he is either one of the last two characters or he will be in Season 4. He can be a bonus character for S3? But I doubt a community fund for him being so many ppl supposedly hate himā€¦

Are you certain that people ā€œhateā€ him? I got more a feeling that people associated him as being a cheap last boss, which has in turn soured their experiences with him as a character.

Surely if Eyedol was a playable character, he would be perfectly balanced, removing the cheap factor that has been so heavily associated with Eyedol by fans of KI1.


Only issue is if eyedoll is a community fund he probably wonā€™t get a retro and many accessories which sucks