Eyedol community fund

I’d defintely contribute to any and all community funds that IG and MS Come up with . It’s kind of sad to think that season 3 could potentially be if for the game as far as new content. What’s going to happen to the game when there’s nothing new being released for it ?? I can only hope and pray that it doesn’t fall off the map for another near 20 years.

I want Eyedol


Yeah I know that they don’t have an emergency stand by team for community funded characters, I get all of that. This is mainly a thread asking that if Eyedol is not a part of Season 3 (Or any other possible future seasons) would IG make him sometime in the future if the community donated money, sort of like the Shago fund I imagine.

Can’t force somebody to want something they don’t want.

Raising money for tournaments looks bad?

Anyway, Adam Isgreen has already discussed ideas for a second community fund. The idea of Shadow Orchid or another shadow character has been fielded and seems natural and obvious, but let’s be real and cynical for a moment: the whole driving force behind a community fund is the devs promising to make some dumb thing that the die-hard casuals won’t shut up about if they’ll cough up money to fill tournament pots. It already seems clear enough that the die-hard casuals think Shadow Orchid is “lame” (for some reason edgy Shago is cool, but girls don’t get to be edgy and cool), so they once again need to put a finger to that wretched community pulse and settle on a thing that you guys won’t stop crying about.

The two obvious candidates are Eyedol and Ultimates. And I think both are difficult to do without a budget (Shago was already largely done graphically), but I think Eyedol is probably plausible.

So yeah, Eyedol makes a lot of sense. Bring on the full stupid, MS/IG. Give us Eyedol, and fill those pots.

[quote=“Fnrslvr, post:25, topic:5946, full:true”]

Can’t force somebody to want something they don’t want.[/quote]The devs themselves said that they didn’t get the appeal of a generic character like Kim Wu and what do you know, fans begged and she’s leading the third season of KI. Clearly what the fans want has a little more weight than simply what the developers do, since you know this is a business and they have to keep their customers happy.

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As much as I call out idiots who go around claiming to pay IG’s wages, I’m not saying the fans are irrelevant.

Oh in that case, I’m sure IG knows that the fans are good for it. The astounding success of the Shadow Jago fund raiser showed them how much people love this game. We will put our money where our mouth is if they give us the chance.

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Well it doesn’t look bad in our eyes but even with the last fund there was mad isht being talked about how Microsoft doesn’t care about supporting the tournament scene on their own and shago behind a pay wall etc etc etc, imagine this but with a boss character from the past games.

I just don’t want this to turn into some commodity where people think ig/ms is just money grabbing while dangling carrots over our heads.

I’m all for funds by the end of the day but I think Eyedol will need more care than that which is why I prefer him be another boss character myself. Save the fund for bonus optional characters like shago, maybe eagle, another guest character or maybe a classic stage or two. Just my two cents on that one.

honestly id rather have ultimates or stages…or stage fatalities…anything but shadow characters ugh…and I don’t think they want eyedol back,cause…well hes a cheap character

things we need from the next community fund:

  • Eyedol (Shadow Eyedol)
  • Two ultimate combo per character - Shago might get a new one
  • At least 3 stage ultras for season 1
  • More new stages for season 3 like Rash battletoad stage as an example. Reducing stage sharing like Gargos on Shadow Tiger’s Lair. Stage sharing may be a placeholder for while.
  • New costumes (fixed season 1 bad retros)
  • Humiliations (based on Rash’s dancing taunt)

No disrespect to those who want Eyedol - I’d rather have an all new villain.


Eyedol will be in. No community fund needed.

Now serious questions if IG really couldn’t figure away to pull off eyedoll would you rather he not be in or have a motaro from mk Armageddon scenario?

I’d be willing to throw in some for this would be nice to see Eyedol again.

Eyedol is bipedal like everyone else, and Arbiter already has the same type of legs as him, so I don’t see any challenge with recreating his character model.

An all new villain would be awesome and I hope they eventually get one in another KI Season or KI4, it’s mainly a matter not wanting him to be the only classic/original KI character to not get a chance in the new game.

you already have a lot of new chars to enjoy with. and you will have more in the future.

please don’t break balls to those who only want back the two last missing chars in the franchise.

after them, all char will be new, fans only need them 2 back.

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It’s funny there is a new community fund thread for almost every topic. There is one for stages, one for retro costumes, one for Gargos, one for Eyedol, one for real boy Omen, one for Ultimates. It’s pretty clear there is no way we are getting all of this in one fund. Not only that but its been strongly hinted that the fund will be for another Shadow character. No matter what the fund will be about people will be disappointed.

I think the only thing I would actually fund is real boy Omen along with a real design for him. Make his current look a retro.

Chances are we could not get a community fund for Eyedol simply because NONE of the devs want to make him; AND WE SHOULD ACCEPT THAT
I really like Eyedol but I’d rather have no Eyedol than spend money to FORCE people to churn out an uninspired rehash of him.

I also don’t think we should force somebody to make something they don’t want to make, but no one is forcing anybody to do anything. Asking somebody to do something and offering to provide the funds for them to do it is a little different than downright demanding somebody do something they don’t want to do, IMO.