Dragon Ball FighterZ

I find super annoying fighting against a Goku/Blue Goku/Black team, and I would be even more annoyed to face a 3 Gokus team, so glad this can’t happen

The team of Goku/SSB Goku/Goku Black = the Go-Crew. :smile:

…I’ll see myself out.


Not gonna lie, this made me laugh way more then it should. :laughing:

This game seems hype, I can’t wait till I earn my last 10 dollars to buy it

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I got my first kill with 16’s kamikaze attack in my last fight… was a good feeling. Wasn’t sure I’d ever get a kill with that super :stuck_out_tongue:

Killing off someone with Ultimate Wolf Fang Fist is just the best.


My record is 0-6… still having fun tho.

Having setting my bars to 4 or higher is really making my matches pretty smooth. I’m happy about that. But it’s still taking me a couple minutes to find a match. Too long.

I’m having a good time with it. Still trying to figure out the flow of combat. Hit is hard but he sooooo technical right now. It’s like a newbie learning how to play with Slayer in GG… so I made the same mistake twice lmao!

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Also. Even though I still hat delay based netcode, my matches have been WAAAAY smoother than my SFV matches.

In case if it wasn’t said already, here is how you invite your friends to a match in DBFZ. (The lobby system they have now is stupid)

Steps to invite someone to the lobby: (Creator)

  1. Pick a local server (Ex West Coast 1 Arena Lobby 7)
  2. Tell your buddy you’re going to that server
  3. Create rules for your lobby (Create pin)
  4. Tell your buddy the pin
  5. Tell your buddy to look for you somewhere in the map

Credit to Valle

Also don’t forget to enable “rematch option”, so you can have a quick rematch without loading screens

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Some impressions after the weekend:
I feel that Black, Goku, Vegeta and Gohan (both) are the most frequent picks,which is kinda expected. I feel Black is there because he is a quite good character for beginers

I have been using Piccolo, Tien, Vegeta, Nappa, Beerus and 16, mostly.

In a genius level design choice, Piccolo, a sage and strategist, is a great character for conditioning his rivals. His homing projecile, both on point and assist, works wonders to cover approachs. His QCB+light/medium, an armored move, is excellent to conditionate rivals into not mashing buttons and keep them guessing during wake up, allowing Piccolo to set his QCF+attack more easilly

Tien works great with slow assists which forces his opponent to block, so he can start pressure with his great h/l mixups. Chaotzu “backfires” after some uses (can’t remember if 3 or 4), so you can’t rely him during one use after that uses.
Due tri-beam shoot angle, team synergy is important for DHCs, otherwise it can miss. Kid Gohan, Yamcha, 18 or 16(just to name so) all work well here with him


The most complex character of this list, his orbs need some tests to learn how to use them properly. His lvl 3 grab is SUPER good and SUPER easy to land from his c.medium, an extremely long range low.

Both his m. Attack and c. Medium hits low, and both have great range, so beware from his lows. Also, his QCB ki attack is an armored move which makes his blockstrings harder to punish, so beware

16’s is fun, easy to use, and super damaging. His heavy attack has ludicrous range, and his j. Down heavy attack caughts everyone offguard.

Mark my words: QCB + attack is a masher killer. You could beat a ridiculous amount of raw supers with the invulnerable frames of this attack. His big bang super isn’t particularly great in terms of hitbox, so if you don’t time it well after some combos, it can whiff. Vegeta is a great whiff punisher, and his divekick is actually a great mixup tool for some resets after an air combo.

Some tips about supers:
Ginyu’s lvl 1 super can be hold up to 3 charges for some extra damage

Gotenks’ kamikaze ghost can be used with QCF RT instead RB. If you do so, the ghosts stays on place, allowing for some fun setups

Gohan’s lvl up super can be performed with RT instead of RB. If you hold it, it will perform all your super bars up to 7

The bad:

  • The lobby is just awful. I feel it segregates more than anything. It’s easy to enter a lobby with 60 people, which 20 are in Pratice, and 30 in arcade. Definitely not a fan of the design

  • I feel that sometimes you get a disconnect because you desync with the lobby, not your opponent. Sometimes playing solo content (arcade, practice), you get disconnected from the lobby, so that strengths my point


So far I have bene experimenting around. I have 3 teams at the moment and I’ll rank them on how good I am with them from worst to best.

Trunks, Android 18, and Teen Gohan. Trunks and 18 build meter for Teen Gohan. I need spme more time to find synergy.

Frieza, SSJ Vegeta, and Adult Gohan. Frieza zones a bit and builds meter. Frieza gets a combo, does level one super, and dhc into Gohan. Gohan goes crazy with the two assists.

SSB Vegeta, SSJ Vegeta, and Adult Gohan. Thew two Vegetas pair so well!

I’m currently running Hit on Point, Tien on Mid, and Yamcha on anchor. I feel like I might have to switch positions with Yamcha and Tien. Yamcha has a pretty stubby 2M, and it makes it hard to confirm into big combos. I have a much easier time opening up people with Tien when I have no assists. His m.Volleyball Fist has armor and it trips up people a lot.

Hit. Hit is weird. His 2L is an overhead smash that cannot combo into anything, and his 2M is a really slow stomp. His buttons while standing? Good lord, are they good. 5M is your breadwinner. It covers a huge amount of space, and like every other 5M, you can jump cancel it. His 5H is also really good, as it can tag people when they’re not expecting it.

Here’s a good combo starter for Hit:
5M, 236L~L (call in Yamcha assist while doing this), 5M, jump, j.L, j.M, etc.

Hit is a curious character. Most of this game characters try to open you with H/L mixups and work a lot in the air. Hit works mainly ground, and due his high mobility and teleports, he uses more R/L mixups. Both his F+light and F+medium are suited either for assists help, or keep your opponent guessing in the corner.

As you state, Hit is a huge whiff punisher. His speed and range is a guarantee of pain if you do anything unsafe

Two Vegeta/Goku/Gohan?

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The two Vegetas synergize very well. SSB Vegeta’s rekka special is very good when combined with SSJ Vegeta’s assist.

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It is!

I was just kidding about the fact that you were using “copies” of one character instead the huge variety of different fighters the game offers.

Nothing wrong with it, it’s indeed smart since all Bluegeta and Goblue synergies well with their regular counterparts

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You may wanna take a look to this cliché!

6 tips which the game doesn’t give you but are very handy!

1: Reflect can negate all damage, normals, ki blasts, beams, and even super beams!
2: You can easily tag from one super into a lvl 3 using back+tag during a super
3: Alternate input for instant air dash close to the ground: jump, hold forward(or back) and press super dash
4: You can tag into a super without doing a super first: at any point of a combo, use QCF/QCB + assist to tag into a super
5: C. H is invincible to airborne moves, so it’s a great counter to super dash which leads to a full combo
6: All sparkling properties:

  • Recovers potential damage
  • Increases damage
  • Allows you to cancel normals on block(normally you can do this only on hit)
  • If you hold Vanish attack(Medium + Heavy), you teleport behind your opponent but you don’t attack, so you can use anything you want after the teleport
  • Super dash will move you towards your opponent on block, instead bouncing away, and you can press buttons inmediatly, so your preassure doesn’t stop

If you are not familiar with jump cancels, this video explains you quite well how to create efficient combos. With most of the characters, you wanna follow a similar route to this:
2 light attacks, two medium attacks, jump into one light and one medium attack, one light attack and the universal air launcher(always down+heavy), homing dash, light attack, medium attack, double jump, light attack, medium attack, and at this point it depends of the character, but sometimes you may want an special, others a Heavy attack

This combo route is super important, since it deals good damage, gets some time so your assists can be used again if you need so, and builds meter

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You can’t double jump after the launcher if you already used it.


You are right, I copied the route wrong, my bad :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, this is a bit of an issue. I was trying to do a mission that tasked me with winning 3 arena matches, and even with 5 people standing around doing the animation your avatar will do while waiting for an arena match, nobody would get matched up for 10 minutes or longer. Definitely something that I hope they take a look at sooner rather than later.

The auto match system in training is atrocious in this game. I’m in a middle of a combo. I’m about to do a launcher which requires me to press down b. Pop up comes up saying I found an opponent and waiting for the opponent to accept. I pressed b in the middle of a combo. Match canceled. Really? That’s dumb.

That’s not even the part that sucks. I’m doing this really long combo and then the pop up that says I matched with an opponent. Alright. Found a match. Let’s do this. Waits 60 seconds. He didn’t accept. Seriously? I’m doing a combo, the pop up appears and the opponent immediately cancels and I drop the combo? What? Why does that pop up exist? If I’m about to enter a match, then notify me and transition me into the match. Why does the pop up while waiting for the opponent to confirm exist? Just let me keep practicing in training mode and when the opponent confirms, then freeze the screen while getting into the match.