Dragon Ball FighterZ

I think I’ll keep my team of Frieza, Vegeta, and Adult Gohan for the first few days. I might replace Frieza with Trunks and Adult Gohan with Teen Gohan though.

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I think my team is going to be Beerus, Goku Black, and Adult Gohan. I have no idea of their team synergy but I feel like that is something I can see once I get into training mode.

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TBH I don’t care about team synergy, I just play who I like and I’ll force them to work :yum:


Just did a few quests… waiting a little while before I actually go online. Jeez, the lobby quests give out a pretty insane amount of zenni… each one I did so far was good to get at least 2 capsules, and I think I have enough now for at least 12, maybe more. Also glad to report that SSB Goku and SSB Vegeta play NOTHING like their regular Super Saiyan counterparts. It’ll take getting used to, but SSB Goku’s Instant Transmission attack could be a tiny bit evil online :smiling_imp:

I’ve went on a 9 game win streak with my team.

This is fun. :smiling_imp:


Kid Buu is my main.

But the invite system turns me off.

I am so surprised that ther is not an “invite friend” option.

Their isn’t? Man that seems like a very big oversight. :slightly_frowning_face:

Lol. You guys all know there’s a pretty solid chance I’ll just be mediocre in this game, right? :joy:

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But you can’t be. I will not allow that :joy:

No excuses :joy:


I just spend the last hour training with Hit, Tien, and Yamcha. Holy moly, is Hit fun. He’s unorthodox. But he’s fun. Very lateral and grounded character.

So I thought this was a cool comeback, due to adaptation and reads.

(Still learning so my gameplay is kinda basic lol)


Tagging people I would think would enjoy this.

@KevBones10 @ItzTymeToDul @STORM179 @FallibleJoker14 @Dayv0


Good call with the Neo-Tri Beam!

You can’t get more down to the line then that, you could just tickle Tien and he would die.

I’m actually getting matches and they run well despite my crappy college internet. How about that. And out of about 22 sets I played, only 2-3 had noticeable lag. I feel almost like I’m dreaming.

My skill level? My win record is solid and I feel like I know what I’m doing mostly. I’m slowly learning tactics and setups. I’m running Adult Gohan, Trunks, and 18, and have different problems with each of them.

Im lovin this game so much! Im running with Goku Black, Hit, And Ss Blue Vegeta as my main squad. But I also like Gotenks and Beerus alot as well.

Hold on. You can’t main one character. Where are your 2 teammates?

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Kid Buu, Kid Buu, and Kid Buu.


If only I could do that lol