Dragon Ball FighterZ

It’s…okay I guess
Music’s cool and all but I honestly hoping they would do an original animation like the older DB games
but it’s no skin off my bones in the end

Confirmed characters for the Beta:

Android 18
Kid Buu
Gohan (adult)


they change 4 characters for other ones thats very nice…


Aww… I wanted Hit. Oh well lol

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@MandrillManiac Kid Buu will be in open beta! : D


Looks like I’ll run the team I wanted to:

18/Vegeta/Gohan (Adult)

I just really wanted to try Hit. Want to see if I can actually react and Parry in other games :joy:

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I guess that 2 out of 3 intended characters on my team won’t make it. Oh well. Was hoping to try out Trunks, Android 18, and Teen Gohan. I’ll replace Teen Gohan with Adult Gohan. They seem to share a similar role but with a different function. Both are crazy meter burners. Teen Gohan is raw damage while Adult Gohan is more advanced with his Potential Unleashed. Seems really fun.

Now I just need to figure out someone who can replace Trunks. I’ll give Frieza, Goku, Vegeta, or Beerus a shot.

I’m just disappointed you can spend 40 minutes charging up your power and telling every one just how powerful you’ll become once you evolve to your new power level. :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s an unusually low estimate for Dragon Ball…
It should be 10 episodes worth minimum. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have a problem. I only have one character for the whole beta/game. Who do I play?

Seems to me that either you find two other characters who mildly interest you, or just wait for the full game to come out. Or you could just lab the crap out of the one character you like, but that wouldn’t keep me interested for very long. -shrug-

I’ll try out 18, Adult Gohan, and Beerus. Maybe toss in some Kid Buu as well just to see how he plays.


Beta starts in 3 hours! :grin:

Is that for those that pre-ordered or for everybody?
I mean I know it’s an open beta, but IIRC those that preordered get in a day early.

It’s an open beta so I believe it’s for everyone. Just search for Dragon Ball FighterZ open beta in the Xbox store and you should be able to download it.

Ok…yeah the info on the download page says early access-ers get to start tomorrow, everyone else (like me) has to wait until Sunday. Still downloading it right now though.

Ahhhh you’re right. I may be in the same boat as you actually. I think it’s people who bought the digital version of the game get earlier access than others who bought the physical copy like I did.

Oh well I’m still downloading anyways.

So I managed to get into the open beta. It’s taking forever to find any matches. Just had my first one but it was a bit laggy. But the game is suuuuuuper fun!

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