Dragon Ball FighterZ

I played with someone in Japan with a 4 frame delay. I guess it’s still being worked on. It’s good netcode, but whether or not it can stand long distance well, is up in the air.

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I’m pretty much back to feeling meh about this title. Part of me really wanted to get to love this game but it isn’t there.

I came away with a lot more questions than satisfactory answers or resolved doubts. I never got any live games. My screen literally blinked for a second and I swear it said something like “your opponents settings did not match your match specifications.” And then back to endless searching.

The trial mode is what’s saving me right now. At least through that I was able to get a feel of moves, offense, some defense, and the game’s style.

This felt more like a pre-alpha test than a beta. I’m not going to kill this based off it’s beta, but that left a bad taste in my mouth.

It’s probably a trailer for Tien and Yamcha

Given that is the Tokyo games show, I expect something big, and Tien and Yamcha are great, but not BIG.

I expect:

Yamcha and Tien playable
New story mode, featuring 21
Gameplay trailer for a new character: Beerus

Have any of you spent some time with Buu?

Among all the characters, I feel it’s the harder to figure out, at least for me. I only played 1 match with him, so I lack experience

He has good tools to keep control, like air to air stretching arms, smoke, or his “immobiliser” projectile, but what are the uses for his cartwheel attack?

@STORM179, @TheNinjaOstrich, @Sasuke99I, @STLemonHunter?

Edit: video footage with a good Buu player would be appreciated, he may be the least used character

Cartwheel is a good combo move. There is a good buu player in the DBFZ discord, search for madluk in youtube/twitch


Not really. I couldn’t understand him in Trial mode so I didn’t use him. For online, I only used Android 18, Future Trunks, and Gohan.


Tien and Yamcha’s intros pictures

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more pics

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yamcha looks sooo good in these pictures. more than i expected. he looks like some kind of rekka charecter and those wolves on his fists looks badass. i cant believe im saying this but im looking foreward to seeing him a lot more than i expected.

Quick question about the new android:

When did 18 fuse with Harley Quinn??


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After watching this video, I will admit that watching this game at a MUCH HIGHER level is kinda interesting…is what I want to say. What I really think is that I realized that this game is only hype to me once you play the JP OST along with it lol

In all seriousness though, what really stands out to me about this video is how they’re using the ki blasts and assists as pressure tools. Something actually different for once.

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Putting aside the general crappiness of the JP DBZ soundtrack (seriously, it’s just…not good for the most part), yeah, higher level DBFZ play looks very different than low-level play. Assists for lockdowns and extensions, smart use of meter (which is to say, NOT just tacking level 3’s on the end of extended combos), and lots of frame trappy strings and instant air-dashes make it pretty distinguishable from newer play. And while the combo structure isn’t anywhere near as free-flowing as mvci or GG, you can also find some pretty cool combo paths when people have had some time to acclimate to the system.

Long story short - for me at least, I think the game will be plenty interesting to watch at high level. I’m looking forward to seeing what people find once they’ve got an actual practice mode to try things out in.




-shrug- I don’t think the Japanese DBZ soundtrack is very good, full stop. It has a few moments, but on the whole I think it’s very lackluster.

DBFZ’s soundtrack is alternately passable (title screen) and quite good (West City track), so layering over the gameplay with the tracks from the show is a net negative IMO. Some of the best play I’ve seen is in videos where the editor has done that, but overall I really wish they wouldn’t.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . passive aggressive sigh


I’m actually quite disappointed about the reveals we got this weekend.

For such event as the TGS, I expected AT LEAST Yamcha and Ten extended gameplay,and not only their trailer. And I expected to see more about 21 in action.

Even the new characters were announced before the event, so another character reveal didn’t seem unlikely.

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