Dragon Ball FighterZ

Hmm. Well by all means guys, please let us know how the game feels afterwards. The little bit ive read has said the online experiences are pretty decent, and that the game plays well.

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Well I canā€™t seem to initialize a network connection right now. Hopefully thatā€™s the beta not being active and not my connection.

Keep checking, man, it seems like it could pop up any day now.

lucky sumguns

Iā€™m probably not getting onto that beta, Sonic. I never got into the insider program and the one time i wanted to was when Arena was still in testing and that never panned out. But i am curious how itā€™s going to play, especially with that 3v3 - 6 player mode once thatā€™s out.

If I go home.

And I look at the Insider program and see nothing there.

I may die on the spot.

Like this guy lol

Letā€™s freaking go!

Canā€™t wait until saturday

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I got it too.

@TheNinjaOstrich, in the insider app, go to insider content (third option, left list). You should find it there


Ok! When I get home, Iā€™ll check.

Donā€™t worry. If I donā€™t get it, youā€™ll know :joy:

Please tell me you actually played that game and didnā€™t find a gif just for me :sunglasses:


I try and play most of the Fire Emblem games, but Iā€™ve been slacking as of recently, tbh.

69 reviews lmao


Does anyone know what modes are in the beta? Can we do private games with friends or something, or is it exclusively matchmaking?

I got the beta on Xbox. Thank goodness. I can stream it!


WE IN THERE :tada: :rage: :tada:


Invite me to play whenever, just donā€™t expect mercy from my noob skillz


im happy


I think everyone in the club gets in my friend didnā€™t have the app until yesterday and got in.

If I can remember to wake up, Iā€™ll stream at the Earliest time they have, and archive it so you guys can watch if you canā€™t watch it live.


yoo tell me when you are going live


Iā€™m going to wake up on a 4AM on a Saturday just to play the Beta lmao

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