Do you think Ultimates should make a comeback to Killer Insitnct : Poll

Considering we have:
26 very diverse and uniqe characters

A big story in Shadow Lords mode.

Plenty of stages almost 20+

Lots of new skins and even more skins on top of that

Remix characters coming into KI, etc, etc.

Only thing this game doesn’t have are Ultimates and unless everyone gets one, they’re not a feature that’s in.

Besides in the season4 poll Ultimates made one of the top three results. I have a feeling Ultimates can actually be a thing this time. And if you ask me, they should. I’ve waited for three long years for them to actually become a thing, I’d rather not wait for ANOTHER three years for the sequal to do anything.

Besides it isn’t like season4 WON’T have new characters or anything. They’ve already had a poll result showing this. There’s no reason to deny everyone else something because you’re worried the new guys will not come, they will. The feedback in the poll states this.

So you’ll get your characters, I’d just like to actually have Ultimates for once.

I don’t think you should be worrying about costumes or colros since they are going to be doing that stuff anyway.
Besides that, ultras are becoming used less and less due to quits happening during while they are being performed and stage ultras, while can give some pretty interesting ways are limited. Besides they found a solution.

and admittedly, Ultras are a gameplay mechanic rather than an aesthetic. That being said, we can get all of those things.

and characters? well. Where getting more int he future weather we want to or not.

Point is, there is no need to assume that Ultimates would stop these things from coming.

I see your point. Then here is a even simpler solution. Do not bring back ultimates and take away shago’s ultimate.

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Heck no, if they do that, get rid of Ultras to. In all seriousness it’s one of the top 3 features in Season4’s feedback poll. I am a little bit more confident in Ultimates truely being a thing this time around. Plus if they do happen it’d be, in my book one of the best seasons since season2. Besides it’s not like you’re not gonna miss out any new characters and crap like that come this season.

Or a simpler solution you can do. Don’t do Ultimates when they come out, or you know be sure to get your opponents life on the red so all you’re left with is well an anti-climatic defeat or back to the triple Ultra city if you’d like,

You got your stuff. And the new characters will obviously come. And even in spite of that we already got enough characters and stages already if you ask me. Just lakcing heavily in the finishers department.

New costumes have also been upvoted as one of the top three features for season4 so it isn’t like you’re gonna lose that anyhow. and personally with all the new skins we’re getting, I honestly have no qualms putting an aesthetic like costumes in the back in comparison to a mechanic or feature like Ultimates.

ESPECIALLY after three years of waiting.

Why take away shago ultimate? That benefits no one. And reeks of the salt speaking for you

That’s the thing. We know we are getting charecter and colors. This is why I don’t think we are getting any ultimate anytime soon. Ultimates require unique animations and camera pans and etc. for all 20 something charecters probably 30 by the time the next 6-8 set of characters come in. (as well as most likely unique animations for each and every charecter in the game that you use it on) that takes a hell of a lot of time and resources and man power. I highly doubt we would get it this year especially if they are committed to giving all characters alt. costumes like thunder(WHICH THEY SHOULD) And I actually hope not for fear of shafting other more requested features.

I also disagree that ultimate add to gameplay as a mechanic instead of aesthetics. Shago isn’t the only charecter that has a special finisher if his health is green. Gargos has one too and their gameplay isn’t affected by it compared to other characters. It’s still just another alternative finishing move with as much gameplay relevance as ultra combo.

Real talk what I said before that I don’t want to give up for ultimates are just random situations that that popped up in my head. The situation probably won’t be so cut and dry and the decision won’t be mine but the devs but regardless the sacrifice will be there. I just hope that whenever the devs have time to spare to create good quality ultimates there isn’t anything more important or just as important that gets the shaft to give everyone an alternative finishing move than ultra combos…and that people don’t get bored of them as fast as they did ultras

Gargos 'alt finisher" isn’t anything special, you barely notice it much of the time, it’s not an ultimate so in my book it doesn’t count. It is not a consolation whatsoever. That’s like if someone took a “new costume” for your character but it wouldn’t be anything special. Especially for someone like me who’s waited patiently since season1 and would rather not have a sequal to even try and take care of it.

Now I can understand how you feel about "aestetics but honestly I don’t really care for too many new costumes because some of them will come to characters I won’t even play as. Just as much as you likely won’t be doing Ultimates at the end of a match. The point is, we both have disagreements and obviously it’s a thing where netiehr one of us will want to make full use of the other’s desired feature. HOWEVER that doesn’t mean Ultimates should get shafted because of an extra skin that doesn’t do much else, just looks different.

BESIDES that post was THREE YEARS OLD by tempus by that time you should already of had enough stuff.

You got plenty of stages, already diverse characters, costumes are also one of the top three things coming in season4.

Ultras are boring already they arn’t anything other then random punches and kicks.

I’ve waited for three years for Ultimates I think they should be a thing this season. I can wait for the time it takes for them to make the Ultimates quality. No one said they had to all have Ultimates at the same time either. They can slowly add to them as it comes along. Season1 can have ultimates one moment and later down the line they can do 8 more and after 8 more for season3 etc. If they put it all in waves and not try to fit it down the tube it’s fine.

Basically instead of trying to stuff all 26 characters at once, they should make ultimates and release them each patch for the season. However many they can make for each patch. It’s not hard, they do it this way and it means the devs can take their time implementing as best quality as possible for the characters.

Supplement that with costumes and boom, no one has to get screwed over.

They can have each patch with costumes AND ULTIMATES in the same go.

Speak for yourself with dulness of Ultras, I’ve seen them for three years, I’m tired of them and I want a truley satisfying way of finishing off my opponents, no more punches and kicks I could do mid-match in autos. I think it’s about time we got Ultimates.

Admittedly, I do wish the OP Had changed the way he worded this. So that way people wouldn’t feel like their beloved costumes would get thrown aside and in turn deny some of us who want Ultimates a feature.

I’m not gonna lie, this thread should of been locked a long time ago.

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I mentioned this because someone said ultimates are a gameplay mechanic instead of aesthetics. Your right gargos special ultra ended isn’t much compared to an actual ultimate but both of them are pure aesthetics and is and should be second to gameplay (although not by much but definitely not more important)

3 months not 3 years
I wasn’t sure if this was a typo but regardless 3 months isn’t enough to do ultimates especially since in those 3 months they were making Kilgore, the thunder costume the mimic skins and the new terror/gold skins. yup 3 months is definitely not enough to make any meaningful progress.

The best way to create ultimates for the whole cast is probably to do them in waves but regardless I don’t want them to impede on the quality of other more important things(in my opinion) we are getting soon. It’s better to do them last so all of their attention could be placed on making them the best without taking from other wanted features

Yes, I want Ultimates, but not “by any cost”… That’s a bit excessive.

No salt. It’s just an unfair advantage. It also benefits no one for shago to be the only one with an ultimate. It’s a classic ethics model, good for all or good for none. How do you determine who gets an ultimate?
I can understand that ultimates are difficult to make. I figured the obvious solution was instead of making an ultimate for everyone you just take away shago’s. Although maybe another solution would be to make ultimates be available by purchase, but that will still require the devs to have an ultimate for every character to meet the public’s demand.

Like I said before ultimates are just aesthetics. Shago doesn’t get any advantage in a fight for having it. Unless you mean his anialation which is completely separate and unique attack.

If people want to be mad that shago gets it and no one else have it to the point that they would rather shago gets his removed?!?!!??!(that still shocks me) then that’s their problem and in the end they just cemented themselves as the type of person the devs shouldn’t listen to

There’s a difference between ultimates and annihilation? I thought they were the same thing

annihilation(cant believe i misspelled that lol) is like hype beam from fulgore. a special move that does alot of damage sacrificing your entire resource bar(instinct for shago and shadow for fulgore)

the actual ultimate is the end of round attack.

although the anarchist in me want them to i doubt they would give everyone “annihilation” type attacks that deal half a life bar for your instinct meter

I mean, if it was a choice between the two, yeah. Obviously I’m gonna want more playable content over more time-wasting finishers.

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Oh crap. OK I think I shall bow out and step away from the topic now that I’ve made an anus of myself

I perosanlly would pick awesome ways to finish off my opponent, especially when I got enough costumes already.

The poll results have been clear, we should be able to get both costumes and Ultimates. No need to kill off a feature people have been wanting for three years when you got tons of options already:

Aside from various skins you can unlock, you got Mimic and Shadow Skins, gold skins, the terror skin pakcs, which let’s be honest isn’t hard because you can change the colors around, etc.

I don’t think Ultimates can hit that hard on the quality of everything else if they handle it the right way.

I’m just saying I’d rather have something that’s a new ability for a character to do, much rather than a new look to be honest.

I don’t wanna wait three more years for Ultimates to come back nor do I wanna wait for a non-possible sequel to KI in the next generation to try and pick up that slack.

Shadow jago is not a skin.

but shadow SHADOW Jago is a skin of Shadow Jago : U

But that’s not what I’m talking about.

I know I was just messing with ya : U

the point is; we got plenty of options for costumes and skins already. I think the devs should start getting Ultimates going for season4.

But…I’m not talking about costumes or skins…so what does this have to do with what I said?