Disappointment in shin hisako

Thats kinda derogatory

Look, some people(you) want lore-loyal characters, unique, without borrowed moves from others, with unique design, and all that stuff. Which is OK. I like this too

But I also enjoy just having a unique arquetype, even if its a remix. Omen and Kilgore, two remix, are in my top 10 fav characters(Kilgore may be my 5-6th favorite!). Because some people doesn’t care about lore, and just want to have fun playing a videogame. And for these people, remix characters happens to give them more content to enjoy.

Incubus, I know you want to express your opinion. You SHOULD, zero problem with that. But my point is that SOMETIMES, you sound a bit like, if putting a remix character is a total mistake which should not be tolerated, that you are right and everyone who disagrees is nuts. It may not be your intention, but you sound like that sometimes.


That’s something I’ve always wanted.
Even back when Jade became playable in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. She was a green palette-swap of Kitana, due to the system restrictions back then. But I absolutely loved her gameplay and wanted for her to be her own character and not take traits from Kitana. She finally reached that in Mortal Kombat: Deception, though she had an alt that was a throwback to her old palette-swap look, which most of those characters have. And well… then in MK9, her main became another throwback to the palette-swap look, but fortunately Kitana had a completely different look.

I’ve always preferred original characters instead of copy/paste characters. And when one such character has things I prefer over the one they are copy/pasted from, then I hope the character will become it’s very own unique self, shedding off what was copied from others.

However… and I repeat this again again… If you like those characters, then that’s alright! I am not telling you not to like them and I would never do that. You can love Shin Hisako and Kilgore and Shadow Jago etc. all you want, and I would never tell you that you are wrong in liking them and that you shouldn’t like them. Because there’s nothing wrong with you liking them! And if you want to pay full price for them, or more, then that is completely within your prerogative! I do not look at you or any others who share your feelings and opinions as any lesser or worse for it.

However, if you start telling ME that I am wrong for having my opinions… that’s when you become less worth in my eyes.

That’s what Shin Hisako and characters like her are to me… greasy fries. It’s meant to be derogatory towards the character, not the people who want it. But it’s not unusual for people to get defensive when someone is talking badly about something they like and then take it personally. But it isn’t.

I know I can sound harsh, but do know that my dissatisfaction is purely about the character and IG for making it. NOT the fans. Never the fans.


Well…I’ve certainly reach a full circle of understanding of you. :sunglasses:

Anyways, I’m already satisfied with the characters I have to play with, so I can’t exactly see a problem with another remix character or a guest (unless there’s a copyright issue with said character, like K9999 from the KOF series). If people don’t like Shin Hisako then oh well. At least IG tried to update the game as much as they can in my eyes.

I’ll leave this thread alone at that.

All I’m trying to say is that the devs have never owed us nothing but original characters. It’s fine to prefer nothing but original characters, but don’t expect that to happen. We don’t get to dictate whether the post-Season 3 characters are remix or original or who gets the 15 Ultimates for example.


… Its generally a good idea to know what you’re talking about rather than to just make stuff up. This is the relevance behind @DescartesTruth’s question about what you do for a living. It’s less about what you do (you’re a student working to support himself - which is great and very admirable), and more about what you DON’T do. You aren’t a game designer, programmer, tester, project manager, investor or marketer. Which is great too. Most of us aren’t. But when you jump on here to make claims about how much money the KI team has, how they should be spending it and what they should be producing with the money, it’s important for you (and people reading your posts) to recognize that your opinion comes from a place of complete and total ignorance regarding the actual development process. Your “knowledge” on the subject is basically “give me what I want. Because I want it. They should be able to give me what I want!”

No. You don’t have the right to “demand” anything. None of us do. You can certainly ask for it. But what you do have the right to do, unequivocally, is not pay for content that you don’t think is worth it. If Shin Hisako isn’t working for you then keep your $4.99. It’s as simple as that. But what you, and several others, are doing is trying to make the case that because Shin Hisako doesn’t appeal to you that it’s somehow “mismanagement” of project resources. And again, you have no basis for making that sort of claim.


They don’t owe us anything, no… but that doesn’t mean we should accept a half-done job. We don’t owe them anything either!

And they aren’t just GIVING these characters to us, we have to PAY for them if we want them, and they cost the same as a fully original character… which means you aren’t getting your full money’s worth. You could have gotten more for those money, which we did in the past.

These are just extra stuff, but they still cost OUR money if we want to make use of it. And I choose not to spend my money on something I don’t want… Had it been a fully original character though, then I might’ve.

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its absurd for others to defend themselves and their view points,but perfectly ok for you to defend yourself because you have a different opinion and thats not absurd?

oh,the irony!

That’s not what I said. Read again.

It is exactly what you said and meant,dont backtrack now.You said they were absurd for defending their position and opinions,meanwhile you than went on to defend yours

Quote that part from me, where I said this.


It’s a remix character, it’s supposed to use a lot of Hisako’s existing assets so it’s not a half-done job. Of course we don’t owe the devs anything, we’re the ones that opted into becoming fans or whatever you wanna call yourself of ths new KI. New content costs money? Wow! I have now learned how the world works! Value is subjective. Shin Hisako is worth $5 to me so I’m getting my money’s worth.


Look at what it says.
What I say is that I find it absurd that people are defending the fact that we have to pay full price for something that is half-done, patched together by things already in the game, instead of someing fully original and new.

That’s what I said. That’s what I meant.
But it’s alright if you misunderstood it, it happens. But now you have the clarification. ^^

This right here is my main issue with it…

And I don’t think that’s alright.

Yes it is. They are taking assets already created, that we’ve already paid for (if you bought Hisako, that is), and now they are asking us to buy them again.

I’m not okay with this.

Being a fan of something does not mean unconditional love and acceptance of everything they throw at us.

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Guys, this is going nowhere. “Don’t fight about the fight” as my father used to say. When people are reduced to arguing about who said what, and who was disrespectful to whom, it means we’ve run out of substance to talk about. So maybe just time to let it go.


That’s your opinion that it is half-done and patched together.People have the right to like what they want,and your opinion doesnt make what you spew anymore factual or correct.Seems to me like you enjoy presenting your opinions as facts while disagreeing with anyone else who doesnt share your point of view

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No, that’s literally what it is. Hence the “remix” part.

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Not going to continue on with you about this.I feel like a puppy chasing my own tail

Enjoy the game


I am sure Keits will come up with interesting gameplay though.

I was number one Kilgore hater, but later I decided to buy him for the sake of supporting KI, and I was amazed how much fun I had with him.

I think Shin Hisako will be no different.


I get it, we all get it, you don’t like remix characters, but you just keep banging on about it. You’re not a game developer so don’t try to assume some sort of moral high ground and declare it’s not alright to reuse assets to create something new. We’re not buying Hisako again, we’re buying a character that looks like her and plays completely differently, just like Shago and Kilgore. You don’t have to unconditionally love and accept everything the devs do, but you also don’t get to dictate what they give us. I’m not a fan of a handful of things in KI, but I’m not a developer, nor do I have nearly enough insight to dictate their work. That’s why I’m not gonna incessantly bang on about something I might not like because I’m just an ignorant fan and the devs don’t have to cater to the whims of the fans.

And I’m not doing that. I am stating my disappointment of the things I disagree with, and I would of course prefer if they did not do this, but I’m not dictating anything.

Not sure why you are so vindictive towards me… but honestly, I don’t really care either.