Well her projectile is slow and she can only have one at a time. It’s more for the teleport and mix ups, not really meant to just shoot out, if someone tries spamming with that like a normal fireball they’re not gonna be very successful. As for her instinct hands they can only hit once. She can keep summoning new ones but once they hit she loses the rest of her instinct.
Oh I thought he meant like two custom made xbox ones with a shinsako them
I would but i’m just so far and if I left right now(if I even had a ride) it’d be 6 before I got there.
thanks though @rukizzel
True to be honest I didn’t know where I got spam from.
Actually she is. Her father was made a Ronin through unfortunate events but he was still Samurai caste by birth so that means so is Chiharu. Women were also Samurai, born and trained. Maybe not in the wearing armor and riding off to war sense but they were raised and trained as a Samurai to defend their HOME while the men were at war. Which is EXACTLY how Chiharu fought and died to become the onryo known as Hisako. She uses Naginatajutsu combined with her Onryo powers. Aside from not wearing the traditional armor or carrying the Daisho sword set in what way is she not Samurai?
Because I didn’t read her lore and thought she was just protecting the village with her fathers naginata
Lol. I’m sorry if I came off harsh. I’m a Samurai/Ninja history buff and people who aren’t wouldn’t know that kind of specific cultural detail and should not be expected to, sorry again.
I expected more.
For anyone who hasn’t seen it yet i’m assuming this is what they showed at KIWC
Wow.My expectations were low but…dang.
Not even trying to be smarmy but,this looks like a different mortal kombat X style if she was a character on it.Based off what i’ve seen all her instinct is,is a super move?(could be wrong would appreciate more video)
She looks like hisako except faster and less reliant on grabs/counters.
What are your opinions now that you’ve seen this?
Me,i’m sad rather than angry.
She serves a purpose… I’m just not interested in it.
Honestly though what purpose?
An alternative Hisako.
In the stream they said that Hisako was well recieved by the community and is a very loved character, but alot of people had problems playing as her, that she is too difficult for most.
Shin Hisako is a more accessible version of Hisako, as well as serving as the katana-wielding character so many have requested.
So basically a “better” version of hisako?
She’s faster and has an alternative moveset.
Whether or not if she is better, that’s up to you.
I don’t think she’s better, but that’s for other reasons.
So Just watched her fight. It’s basicly the same Hisako with a couple exstra move’s. One of them being her stage ultra which you can do at any time now.
They did a full gameplay walkthrough at the world cup, not just a match. And honestly that match doesn’t even show half of her moves and abilities, the AI just keep doing rekka nonstop instead of going for any of her mix ups or set ups.
is there any footage I can watch?
After seeing this,If she was legit a brand new character I would mark out but I still stand by that she’s disappointing .
Surprisingly no. Everyone just uploaded the ultra instead of the actual gameplay walkthrough.