Color 11 FREE for Limited Edition Shadow Jago owners

yes I restarted the game and then the entire console.
I had no problem with the Shago color 10 from the original release a few weeks back but these 4 are a no go.

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This is something entirely different. The colors for Jago, Sabrewulf, Fulgore, and Hisako don’t come in to play until March 29th.

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Got mine and it looks awesome :smiley:

Yea. I got them all. I encourage everyone to leave their feedback on the actual figures in this thread:

AWESOME! Got mine within 2 Hours @UltimateToy that is the definition of Customer Service…you guys ROCK!

Also on the poll for the next character PLEASE VOTE RIPTOR!!!


Sent my email, Ultimate source coming in with the clutch!

Got my code. Shago 11 is godlike. Thank v much @ultimatetoy

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Played with his new color a bit, it looks pretty solid. But I wonder why this color was released but not any of the other characters. Will that effect Shagos transition to the new lighting with his colors?

Just wanted to update and say I got the code yesterday and it worked first time. Only thing now is for @UltimateToy to fix their international shipping costs so I can support them further by gradually buying the rest of the figures.

Can someone post a screenshot of color 11? I got my code, but not sure I want it, I might just give it away.

Thank you Ultimate Source, customer service like this goes a long way. I’m glad the early adopters and collectors get a little bonus. I’m waiting for the big Jago to be available!

Oh you want it. Why would you just give it away?

Why not? I don’t really care for cosmetics and I don’t really play Shadow Jago anymore.

On a side note, his colors are all pretty bad in my opinion, I didn’t keep color 10 either. The only one I like is the default one, but just in case 11 turns out to be completely badass - general purple hue to match season 3 shadows? maybe more Noob Saibot-ish? - I would like to see it before I give it away.

Link to the color:

Thanks. Not bad, but not groundbreaking. Gonna have to think about how to make the giveaway a little more interesting than just a lottery. :wink:

If I might make a suggestion, maybe work with a KI twitch streamer to run some kind of forum-members-only tournament - maybe with some crazy rules like mandatory random character selection, or no Instinct use?

@CStyles45, think you could run it on the official KI channel? “The Season 2 Farewell Tournament” or something?

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That’s a really neat idea, I’m in! My only caveat is that it should be held at a time that will allow EU folks to participate as well (so noon-ish on a weekend for the US?).