Are Kim's moves too effect-heavy?

LOL!!! :joy: :joy: :joy:



Getting back on topic, the closes character we can comapre Kim WU to is Fie Long from Street Fighter 4ā€¦

Who looks stiffer? Keep in mind that SF4 is a much older game.

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Despite being an older design, Fie Long feels a lot more alive. There is simply a lot more going on with his entire body when he performs moves, while Kim Wu looks static, with her animations mostly isolated to the body parts performing the move.

Fie is more dynamic in his animations.


Hereā€™s the direction theyā€™re going with. Feiā€™s way in SF4 and this arenā€™t going to be similar as both teams have different ideas of how they want to express their respective character in homage to whom theyā€™re basing it on.

Where did keits say kim is inspired by fei long?

Adam Isgreen said Kim Wu was inspired by Bruce Lee, and it doesnā€™t get anymore Bruce Lee than Fei Long.

From the short view we got at her gameplay I do feel her moves are a little too effect heavy, very reminiscent of the first glances we got at Kan-Ra. Personally Iā€™m not a fan of things being that flashy, especially considering she has some flashy effects of some of her attacks that are not special moves. Remains to be seen how itā€™ll end up being in the end, but hopefully itā€™s nothing too distracting or masking.

LOVE all of Kim Wuā€™s FX around her. Did u guys see Tuskā€™s FX?

This coming from a non-Tusk fan (me) Tusk looks polished, his effects are reasonable, movements very fluid, looks dangerous, good height/size, seems intimidating to fight. I just wished they put this kind of effort into Kim Wu since she still looks way too effect heavy and her movements range from looking stiff to super-spaz speed with no fluidity what so ever, I search so many videos of her trying to find something redeemingā€¦

Did you see the 3/1 arbiter strEam from iron galaxy of the finished kim wu? Its amazing turn around on everything.

Really? I saw Arbiter stream but there was nothing of Kim Wu? Do you have an attachment that I can see? I crave for a fragment of hope with Kim Wuā€™s design

Kimā€™s arbiter match is at 1:05:00!!!

Watch her win animation! FACE!


Sorry, still not impressed. It looks very much the same and her movements are stiff completely non-fluid and she moves like a spaz. I hate when it feels like there are frames of animations missing even with s simple crouch. Also I donā€™t see the reason why her nunchaku need to glow all the timeā€¦

This is your response to every single thing that happens in the game. Youā€™ve proven that you donā€™t like anything that IG ever does.

you havenā€™t seen what I thought about Tusk (and Iā€™m not a Tusk fan) You just donā€™t like what I think and that is fine but donā€™t go saying things that arenā€™t true. I give props where props are earned

Her nunchucks glow when her instinct is activable I think.

Her nunchucks glow a lot in general actually, mostly just to show the travel and arc of the weapon I think. I wouldnā€™t have minded if the effects were a little less brazen than they are now, but itā€™s not a huge deal for me either.

She looks much as she did as KIWC, just with the lighting on her face being more consistent. Which is fine for me since I already liked her face, but certainly isnā€™t going to sway the people who hated her and her design to begin with.

People are entitled to their opinions though, so I wonā€™t begrudge them for it. Would be nice if they didnā€™t feel the need to post all the time about it, but this being the internet that is an unreasonable expectation. :smirk:

Kim is going to look so good! Canā€™t wait!

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Thank god you and many others can see the time and energy put into finessing Kim!

If we rested season 3 and killer instinct on the base of how few people want to judge it, it would never see light of day!

I put in for vacation the week after release just so I can enjoy Kim and the new stages!

Look forward to playing

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