Arcade mode

The devs already watch the forums a lot more closely than we realize. They have said that on multiple occasions. We really just need to keep a thread like this going with more & more people chiming in so they don’t get the impression that it’s just 2 guys trolling everybody asking for something nobody wants.

But yeah, asking in a textual stream wouldn’t hurt either.

Ya I want arcades with multiple different ladders kindve how MKX did.

A “rivals” type ladder for all characters would be nice

I just want a mode where I can play someone without time limit and unlimited shadow energy /instinct and practice on any stage

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Though there’s a large number of threads on this already, I’ll say on this one that I agree and would certainly like an arcade mode, amongst other things. Certainly would be better than playing ranked. Associated achievements too, please.

That would not be a ladder.
You’re asking for more VS (CPU/HUMAN) options and the ability to choose the stage for practice mode, right?

The wait time is about the same when selecting different characters for vs cpu

After thinking about this for some time, and seeing some of the Definitive Edition content, I propose that when they make an arcade mode, not only do the make a ladder, they make it as authentic to an arcade experience as possible.

& by that I mean after you go to the arcade section in the menu, it boots up an authentic arcade attract mode that will display rotating character bios (a slightly modified variation of the DE bios would suffice), a trailer that starts with the “coming to your home in 2013” tag line, fight reels, etc…possibly even an “insert coin to play” startup on the main menu (just hit the view button on the controller/fightpad)…arcade menu goes into character select, second player can hit start at anytime to play…the whole works.

I really think they gotta look to the past to preserve the future on this one. Do it right, make it authentic. Most of the elements are already there, just need to put them together.




Well hopefully sometime in the near future, but season 4 would be ok for me.

joking :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Would definitely be awesome

I’d be all for something like this. I really, really want to see boss versions of ARIA and Eyedol.

Man, I can already the return of Eyedol’s jumping HP.

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Ha, his boss version could just be 3.3 Eyedol plus some healing ability for old times’ sake.

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So I thought I’d make a quick mock-up of what an Arcade mode’s attract mode like what I mentioned above would look like, hope you enjoy:


I can’t like this enough man. This is what the game needs in idle mode.
This and s3 endings lol

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I would love an arcade/ladder mode.
Season 1 actually did a perfect job in combining story/ladder play imo.