Any games that you loved but no one else did?

Nothing bad with it, I planned to get Alienware also but it’s a tad overpriced. Still good though and well least you guys have customer service.

If I was in @WrathOfFulgore part of the hood, I would’ve gladly built him a PC if he fed me the parts and food haha

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…how much was yours for all the parts & such, if you don’t mind me asking?

Jet force gemini


Man its been a while but I’d say about 1200 total with everything except keyboard mouse monitor speakers. Only thing I’ve upgraded since I built it 6 years ago was adding the SSD, and graphics cards.

Sadly, it never really took off, and the online component has been offline for several years now…

I had a friend where we had a thing where he was pro-Sega and i was pro-Nintendo growing up in the 90’s. So i played this game at his house. Truth be told, i have scant memory of it, just that it was so unique and cool and fun to pick up and play.

There was something about Rush that i could not let it go. Daytona felt too…too NASCAR’y, if that makes sense. Too restricted. I remember half of the time not even racing, but just going out and looking for jumps and cool stuff.

I remember trying to play the death race mode on San Francisco rush 64 and always getting totaled lol

I’ve started playing Blazeblue. There is only 10 people max playing in an online lobby every now and then.

Shame because the game is actually really good. It’s kind of like KI’s combo mechanic except normal are actually important and people don’t just spam special moves.

It’s weird because things like constantly blocking and other similar things I hate from KI ie Kan Ra, is actually kind of fun to do in Blazeblue. Even though am blocking a bunch of crazy stuff it’s fun because it feels balanced either way.

The only real turn off is that it appears to use pixel art and you can see some jaggyness in the sprites. Other than that the game has a lot of style. Also, most of the fun characters are women.

This was an awesome game. I loved this so much! The sound and music was on point too!

No one likes megaman battle network 4 but even if it’s weaker than 3 i still love it. It was also the first game in the series that i played so that might have something to do with it

I’d rather play '06 than Shadow the Hedgehog, that’s for damn sure.

One game I love, but no one seems to remember much of:

HEY SNK, WHEN YA GONNA RELEASE THIS GAME ON THE PSN MARKET! I see you guys releasing other Neo-Geo classics.

Credit goes to my freind: Mozzarati for making this bad-■■■ theme of Huge-Frogger’s stage!


I know this is SUPER old school, but my game would have to be BOOGERMAN.


Heeeey! Asura’s Wrath is awesome!

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I watched the playthroughs of that game. That ALONE was brilliant to watch and I loved the ■■■■ out of it. It some RIDICULOUS moments in. I mean ■■■■ a guy comes trying to “poke” him from outerspace and just smashes it up in one go. WOOO! what a specticle to watch

That’s my favorite part.

Enter the Matrix.