Annual E3 speculation thread

Ah marvel super heros. The game where Blackheart and Shuma Gorath first appeared in.

so far E3 is looking promising in some way, even though hadn’t found a title for me to choose yet. Though 've heard rumors of a Godzilla fighting game. But I’m not going to assume that will be happening.

So my guesses weren’t too far off. Just missed on Gears Tactics, guessed the wrong Age of Empires, we got Horizon DLC instead of Motorsport 8 and no Sea of Thieves stuff that I can recall.

Well, they did bring back an IP, Microsoft Flight Simulator. This looked kinda cool, but not something I’d really spend a lot of time with. Maybe just as a zoning out, borderline zen-like activity? Either way, it was nice to see them bring back a series. Hopefully that trend continues in a big way next year. As much as I want new IPs, I also really want MS to explore their relatively substantial library of games that could be franchises but aren’t for reasons passing understanding.

Right idea, wrong studio. Not Relic, IO, Sumo Digitial, MIstwalker or Platinum. I think Double Fine is a great get though. Tim Schaefer is a great mind to have in the MS family and with their funding, I think he and his team could do some really great things.

Anyways, as for the show itself, I thought it was a nice sort of bookend to the XB1 generation. We’re still getting Gears 5 and whatever Blair Witch turns out to be in the next few months and there’s some stuff to look forward to in early 2020 like Ori and the Will of the Wisps and what not. I think the show did what it needed to, even if it didn’t have a ton of jaw dropping moments that made you feel great about being in their specific ecosystem.

So in that context, I think it was fine. I think 12 Minutes looks intriguing, Ori is still a day one purchase for me, and the show seemed to have a little something for everyone, even if most of those specific things weren’t really to my taste. I like JRPGs, but I’ve never been big on the Tales series. I really like a lot of Sega’s games, but Phantasy Star’s not one of them. I’m also kinda over Halo and Gears, but obviously there are a ton of people that still love those franchises and rightfully so. I’ve also never been in to Dragon Ball Z and the From Software / George R. R. Martin collaboration doesn’t seem to be Song of Ice and Fire related, which kinda sucks.

So yeah, the show was good. It had it’s moments. But for my specific tastes, it didn’t offer much. The bright side for MS of course is that I’m not their only consumer lol. I just hope that E3 2020 will have more of what I’m interested. More fighting games, more JRPGs, more revived franchises that I’ve enjoyed, more stuff that’s not just bro soldiers shooting everything. We’ll see. I’m not expecting a metric ton in 2020, but more reasons to buy in on the next generation would be nice.

I still enjoy my XB1, and while better graphics and faster load times are great, I’m really hoping there’s that game (or multiple games) that immediately make me point at my screen and say “okay, I’m in” the way Killer Instinct did for me back in 2013.


I realized I sent this to the wrong thread but this is one is more appropriate.

Honestly I’m more interested in the Ninja Turtles cabinet. It kinda makes me question making that 4-player arcade board for my KI cabinet. :confounded:

It’s cool. They’re all cool. But I really worry about the size for four players.

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Yeah, that is true. My MK cabinet is already a bit cramped. I mean the TMNT one looks like they somewhat remedied it by making the control board spread out, but then again the overhang would also make it a pain in terms of wasted space around it.

Hey, this just came across my mind…what does anyone think the odds are of Arcade 1up making a Killer Instinct Cabinet that plays KI 1 & 2? The biggest issue I could see would be that they would have to do something in order to modify the original roms to remove the Nintendo logos, similar to how they did in the XB1 versions of the games, that is unless Nintendo was fine with using their logo just for the game??

What happened to Dark Queen? She got “normalized” too?


I like what I saw in the trailer. Looks fun.

Also, I don’t recognize DQ :confused:

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Not to kick this hornets nest (again), but were you really expecting the 8 bit stripper from the original? She was dressed in a v ribbon.

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Only problem I have with that Dark Queen design is that it doesn’t look menacing like the old design did. And keep in mind I’m not talking about the outfit, but I mean her overall appearance; it just seems to lack that evil personality the old one had.

In fact, even though I knew this was the Dark Queen when I saw it in the trailer I still said to myself “that looks less like the Dark Queen and more like an evil daughter of hers”.

I think that’s the issue I have with this artstyle, it just doesn’t match the personality of the old Battletoads. And keep in mind my standard of Battletoads is the arcade version of the game, since I never really cared for the NES version (I wanted a brawler, not an “everything” game). Even if we don’t count the violence of the arcade version, there was still a definite style it had that properly encapsulates what Battletoads is in my mind.

Still better than Commander Keen though.

the dark queen was a cross between elvira and a dominatrix. now she looks completely stupid.

also that FF7 remake trailer. everyone is looking great in that one, im pretty happy with that thus far. i dont like the idea they’re breaking it up into multiple games though, that is ■■■■■■■ lame

Microsoft has turned Battletoads in some Cartoon Network crap. I was expecting something like Crash Bandicoot at least. They’ve ruined it.

yeah no ■■■■

They could make her abit more intimidating. Not saying they need to reuse her old design.

Woohoo! Dragon Quest Heroes in Smash Ultimate!! I was expecting one of them, namely Erdrick from DQ3, but it looks like the hero from the latest game, DQ8, 4, and 3 are all going to be playable. So…yay!!

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This I can get behind. It’s fair to not like the new design. I just don’t think it’s fair to criticize it for not being the old design.

This version looks kind of mad scientist rather than evil queen. But maybe we could wait for a more revealing reveal to pass judgment.

So a direct Breath of the Wild sequel huh? Looks like it might use the same map, too. Not that I would mind; I actually think an enriched/remixed world could work really well for BotW’s Hyrule.

Also Link’s Awakening remake is super dope. I don’t think the create-a-dungeon thing will have a ton of longevity, but it’s cool that they’re adding stuff like that.

…Aaaaand Konami just announced a TurboGrafX16 mini.

…that’s just so out of left field…

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