An online KI experiment- How bad is it out there?

Ha ha…so no issues for you? I guess they prob never had a chance and was focused on just trying to survive lol
Its really not as bad as I figured most make it out to be. I feel like the community as a whole mainly focus on that 1 bad opponent and it out weighs the 9 good opponents. (Like my experience with Dbaby…ha ha that dude can rub you the wrong way real quick)

SO far with my data It looks to be about 50/50. Ill get a good streak of no issues and then Ill get 5 straight tea baggers. Which is fine… but its interesting to see what a new player faces and what that does to a new players out look on the game.

Being this experiment was created due to a new player posting frustrations on what he experienced recently.

I’m more of a new player compared to everyone else here so I thought I’d share my latest ranked experiences. I don’t use a headset so I can’t hear chat, not sure if that would skew the statistics or not.

I did try to follow SneerfulWater57’s method of sending a GG message after a loss, seems like a really good idea.

  1. vs Gold Master Shadow Jago, 2-0, I cancelled my ultras, no problems
  2. vs 4-star Hisako, 0-2’ed, ended without ultras, sent a GG message, got one back
  3. vs Killer Rash, 0-2 but close matches, no taunt/t-bag but double ultra’d each time. Considering the close match it was deserved I think.
  4. vs Gold Supreme Spinal, 0-2’ed, cancelled his ultra each time, sent a GG message
  5. vs 3-star Kim Wu, 0-2’ed, cancelled ultras, sent GG message, got one back
  6. vs Killer Kim Wu, 2-0, 2 close matches, no ultras, no problems
  7. vs Killer Kan-Ra (same as #3), 0-2’ed, no ultras this time, tried sending a GG this time, got one back! Nice!
  8. vs Gold Master Orchid, 2-0, t-bagged at the end of each round, cancelled my ultras though
  9. vs Gold Master Eagle. 2-0. A couple of taunts, I cancelled my ultras, no problems
  10. vs Killer Jago, 0-2’ed, cancelled Ultras, no problems, sent GG message

A rather pleasant experience, overall. I don’t play Ranked that much but I can’t remember any incidents from there. Shadow Lords Multiplayer on the other hand seems to have the most of any mode in KI that I’ve noticed.


I played 10 sets tonight in Ranked and all 10 had no issues. I went 10-0.
I did have a rage quit and I did have a qualifier quit and the character select screen.

But no tea bags and no double ultras.

I sent a GGs and advice message to a gold Raam player. No response.

It was a great night of KI!


First set…the guy exits out before the set starts.

Next set ft 10 vs a jago/Fulgore. I win 10-0. He asks me for advice after.

Go into rank

Fight a gold shago 2-0 my favor.

Run into a Kim player. He was saying things through his mic though I couldnt tell what due to a storm outside and me keeping my volume low.
I win 2-0

End things with an omen player. He messages me After saying he’s a fan and asks for advice.


That’s really cool… As a Sadira main, usually unless I run into a friend, I get hate messages.

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10 matches in Ranked tonight Friday 8-4-17

No issues at all ranging from Silver, Gold and Killer. No qualifiers. No TBs, No excessive taunts, No Double ultras, and NO rage mail.
I did have a Gold Shago just quit and stand still in the 2nd match. SO i just light punch slapped him every few seconds until there was about 10 seconds left in the match. lol

Besides that, it was a good night.

Speaking as a Sadira main most of my matches are the same. Most of the time I get messages of praise for using a low tier hero, or people asking for Sadira nerfs for how broken her resets are.

For the last 10 sets are people using heavy counterpicks (Thunder, Cinder, Gargos) then switching to their main after they can’t cheese a win. Then after a GGs for said sets.

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Ranked about 6:30 pm eastern:

  1. Gold Spinal 2-0 My win with Glacius
  2. Bronze Jago 1-0 My win with Glacius
  3. Killer Sabrewulf 2-0 My win with Glacius
  4. Killer Gargos 2-0 My win with Glacius
  5. Killer Cinder 2-0 My win with Glacius
  6. Killer 1 Star Cinder 2-0 My win with Glacius
  7. Qualifier Omen 0-1 His win over my Glacius
  8. Killer Hisako 2-0 My win with Glacius
  9. Killer Hisako 0-2 His win over my Glacius
  10. Killer Shago 2-1 My win with Glacius

No issues whatsoever.


vs Killer Thunder - 2-0 win, nothing of note
vs Killer Thunder - 2-0 win, nothing of note
vs Gold Shadow Jago - 2-0 win, nothing of note
vs Killer Sadira - 2-0 loss, t-bagging on their part, sent message
vs Killer Hisako - 2-0 loss, nothing of note, sent message, positive message back
vs Killer Riptor - 2-0 loss, nothing of note. sent message. positive message back
vs Gold Shadow Jago - 2-0 win, nothing of note
vs Killer Hisako - 2-0 win, nothing of note
vs Killer TJ Combo - 2-0 win, nothing of note
vs Killer Omen - 2-0 win, nothing of note
vs Killer Fulgore - 2-1 win, nothing of note
vs Killer Hisako - 2-1 win, nothing of note
vs Killer Cinder - 2-0 loss, nothing of note, sent message
vs Qualifier Hisako - 1-0 win, offered taunt between rounds, but nothing else
vs Gold Jago - 2-1 loss, nothing of note, sent message, positive message back
vs Qualifier Jago - 1-0 win, offered between round t-bagging but whatever
vs Bronze Sabrewulf - 1-0 win, nothing of note
vs Killer Eyedol - 2-0 loss, nothing of note, sent message
vs Gold Riptor - 2-0 win, nothing of note

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Not bad! Only 2 baggers,but whatever LOL

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I WAS YOUR 6TH MATCH BUDDY :laughing: i remember that set… i used gold skin kim wu also… thanx 4 calling me decent… im tryin to catch up to you guys​:+1:

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Hell yeah dude! You did really good! Glad you are someone that didnt act a fool!
For a second I thought you were going to be someone saying “Hey! I didnt tea bag you aor you tea bagged me 1st lol”

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Me against an omen the "Dan vitorinno 82"
First time he beat me with his omen in ranked 2x1
I never taunt, never teabag, my controller don’t even have the taunt button assigned, I use xpadder to convert the inputs, I am never disrespectful to any one in any fighting games
Then he send me an one word message saying "WEAK"
I don’t let this botter me because I am new to game
I have less than 30 hours played I am in gold series, so could it be that I am really weak, and I block him in xbox hoping to never play him again , BUT I played, I used to think that when you block someone you will never be able to play with the person again but is not, and thank God that I’ve watched our replay repeatedly because that guy was not that much skilled compared to the other killer’s , and I could identify his patterns, result, me 2x1 him so I unblocked him and send him a message… Resuming, don’t be disrespectful with people that you don’t know… Not with that specific word’s ahahah but you know, I am having a bad time against ■■■■ killer’s, because I am only matched against killer’s unfortunately there’s no gold player’s next to me so I am getting beaten to hell, but I am learning!!

You cant block opponents in ranked. They blocked , blocking ppl because it can be abused to avoid certain match ups so you cant loose.

Just report him, keep practicing the match up and next time whoop his ■■■! lol

Good luck!

You should stop taunting and t…ing every body with Sadira! / Kappa

And her damage is just too much! / Kappa again

Now talking seriously, she’s can irritate people, aerial character with fast juggles exasperate ppl quick. XD

3 matches into ranked and 3 straight excessive tea baggers. All 3 Killers. All 3 underestimating me since Im currently in gold due to I reset my rank.
2-1 so far on the best of 3 sets.

Oh and a very possible lag switcher…as soon as he knew he was about to loose… grinds to a halt then we continue to fight but ti ends up disconnecting. I was already up 1-0 with no lagging at all till 2nd match came down to his last bit of life.

Make that 4 straight Killer tea baggers


teabagging is for kids under the age of 18… way past that!! i sometimes do get mad at others online, its not like im clean, ive said my share of garbage… but the game can get very frustrating, and running into people while im aggravated to start with, doesnt help matters… you almost have to start the game in a good mood… kinda like trippin’ on good acid… mood b4 playing is important… if u get mad, play cpu matches to shake it off… PLAY WITH RESPECT AND LOVE FOR THE GAME!! try not to forget why you still play the game


Nothing eventful tonight. Ran into Handyon twice. I don’t know if he’s just godlike with crazy reflexes or using some sort of bot manipulation because he is impossible to beat. And if I do get the upper hand the match glitches and I’m back to nuetral. :confused:

Ran into an awesome Sadira main friend I’m Out, and just as he’s about to secure the win KI crashes giving us both a win. :confused:


If I could tell what rank my opponent was, I’d be inclined to agree. But as a player without sight, I can’t take any chances.

You cant take chances on not being rude? I dont understand? NO one here said take it easy on lower ranks. Running a player off is done by tea bagging and double ultras.