After GARGOS... Who's Next...?

Since there isn’t gonna be a teaser for the next character in Gargos’ trailer I’m thinking [CLASSIFIED] is next and they’re gonna show him off in some capacity at E3.

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I’d really love another brand new character.

Mira is SO GOOD. The last few brand new characters to the series - Aganos, Hisako, Kan Ra - SO sick.
When you give these dudes free license, they serve up the goods.

Not that Gargos isn’t totally freaking amazing, because wow. I wasn’t even a Gargos fan before the reveal stream, literally ZERO hype, now I’m actually excited about that character.


I say Classified and then Eyedol myself. I think it’d be a fitting way to end the main season, both original KI bosses in one season as well.


Just as a side note:

We have

Kim Wu - Female + Normal Size
Rash - Male + Normal Size
Tusk - Male + Big Size
Arbiter - Male + Big Size
Mira - Female + Normal Size
Gargos - Male + Big Size
Classified - Male + Big Size

After watching these Eyedol would be Male + Big Size

Imo that would be too much big characters and would make the Season a bit boring imo.

I still think the last character will be normal size + female

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I think the next character will be a famale character, as the last character will be strategically released for promotional purposes.

I like that idea, a true black female character, voodoo like character like diablo 3 witchdoctor…

How about a Big Black Female Character? Lol

Miss Thugnificent

Wait, how do we know [REDACTED] is coming 7th and not 8th? He wasn’t any more finished than the next character and the character select screen placement wasn’t finalized based on where the rest of the S3 cast ended up.

Lol I love “classified”

so wait, basically there are 2 characters left right?

Does that mean we’ll be seeing 1 guest/ 1 new? (I’m pretty sure Joanna will make the cut btw)

The other character is shadow since there has been a vote about which female should be a shadow type character.

“Precious” lol

Well its probably either [redacted] that was leaked or someone new.

Secretly hoping for Eyedol but honestly this season has had quite a few let downs so my hopes aren’t high.

Yes, exactly what I think. Harry Potter :wink: will be the number 8 and not the number 7!

but only if we take some “time” or rest for the team. Because the char nº 7 arrives in June and Nº 8 in July!

It would still be far from the launch of the new HP game!

there is no new shadow female character! It never existed, are just rumors. And I pray that the IG / MS do not make another ridiculous clone. :pensive:

Give us another “Omen” if they want another bonus char! (That at least for me, it is a nonsense and not necessary)

Well… There has been a poll up on twitt about a female being a next shadow or something ^^;;; the vote came up as Orchid being the next shadow out of the 3 main fem. chars (Maya and Kim Wu)

…unless they have change of plans…

It wasn’t the plan, the reasoning behind the pole was that they said if they did another community fund for another shadow character then who would it be. Has nothing to do with the characters in the season itself.

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ah guess that explains lol


and the negative impact on the “shadows” clones … would probably be a community fund fail!

But make a community fund for scenarios missing, or EyeDol and see money as running water! :laughing:

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yea it’s a definate must for Eydol to return haha


I don’t particularly want “Shadow” Orchid but I do want Tonfa Orchid. Probably sleeker panther warfare themed Orchid

We already know who the 7th character is… And it’s not Joanna. And the 8th character will not be a shadow … Lol