After GARGOS... Who's Next...?

"Nobody knows"


I know who’s next, but I like to watch you all suffer in the all consuming confusion that will bring you all to your knees!


No more guests
 We all know who " number 7" is 
 Number 8 will either be eyedol or a completely new character. Either would be okay with me because I feel that season 3 didn’t have as many original IG characters which Have been amazing
BUT I’d rather have eyedol back to be honest. I’m really thinking eyedol will be back . Either as the 8th slot or as a community fund later on.


Eyedol will probably make it in. You got kim wu at least.

Eyedol. It has to be.

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Hmm, but Gargos is here, it wouldn’t make sense to leave-out the series’ original big bad.


Personally, I think that @TempusChaoti calling eyedol “goofy” is just him voicing his opinion, not really a de-confirmation.


I think Adam mean original Eyedol’s design is only goofy. But new Eyedol’s design is more creepy and serious than first?..

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The possibilities are endless. I doubt eyedol will be any goofier than gargos’s henchmen.

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So true. I had feeling Eyedol will return with reasons
 Wanna know?

My reasons:

1 - They didn’t deconfirm Eyedol in S3.
2 - If Eyedol won’t return in Season 3, then why not they tell us right now like deconfirmed Ultimate!
3 - There many thread about Eyeful’s design, gameplay and etc. Iron Galaxy will take their few ideas about Eyedol


I could be wrong but I remember that kim wu and tusk were deconfirmed for season 2 a while before S2 was launched. So if eyedol was de-confirmed, they would have said so a while ago.

But we didn’t see censored 7th and 8th characters’s like reveal censored 3 - 9th characters in S2 launch trailer.


I can confirm last character is a new character, it’s called Keets and it’s op.


We know who the next character is, one of the mods has pretty much said that we all know how it is but as for who is after that
I hope it’s Eyedol. I really do.

I hope the last one isn’t Eyedol or another guest character. I hope it’s a brand new original character. IG has knocked it out of the park with all of their original creations and I know if #8 is an original character that will be no exception.

What about the Preacher from Kim Wu’s Novella? He could be a mix of a Van Helping / Priest.

I’m guessing the last character will be a female.

I haven’t read the latest chapter yet but that would be pretty cool to have.

If it’s an original character I hope for a character that can use a bow/staff such as Kung Jin from MKX or Hawkeye from MVC.

We better be getting 2 new characters. I don’t want General jackass, we have 2 guests already, 1 of which is from a shooter. That’s the last thing we need. 2 new characters, we need fresh content. Eyedol is a stretch too, that would eat up another new char slot. He should be a community funded bonus character like they did for turning shadow jago into a real boy.

Maybe theres a bonus character in the psychic weve been wanting or the blk female tj ex wife ora voodoo woman or even joanna