About Eyedol's design and the struggle to redesign him

Turn him into KI’s Goro.


Maybe perhaps give Eyedol a DOOM vibe will work.

I’d be down for that, though Gargos kinda already has the nude demon thing going on. I’d love to see Eyedol covered from head to toe in armor, or maybe like you said do a Cyber Demon thing and have him covered in Ultratech gear.

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What would be a good moveset for Eyedol if he returned?

There’s the…

  • Fireball
  • Horn Charge
  • Mace Swing
  • Energy Stomp
  • Leaping

Look at Gargos’ new moveset…

If only Eyedol’s moveset was new like Gargos’. Including his backstory.

I think the stomping can either be his taunt or an actual gameplay mechanic that builds up a damage boost for the next attack, or builds up meter.

Oh, and hopefully the mace swing will send opponents flying up off-screen, that would be sweet!

If he can’t be a demon like Gargos, he can be an alien DOOM style!

Some kind of monster of war!

Gargos wants corruption. While Eyedol wants war on all creation until nothing is left.

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If that’s the case then eyedol’s alien race based on war can be rivals with glacius’s peace based alien race. This would also tie-in one of those season 1 endings:

@TempusChaoti @developers

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Here’s some more eyedol designs I’ve been able to find. Don’t think most of these have been shared here yet:


I think that last one would be perfect as his retro design.

@TempusChaoti @developers

. #bringbackeyedol #notgoofy

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This one would be an awesome redesign:

What about his moveset? His special moves feel like a problem.

Gargos has portal punches, strangle his enemy to extract energy or pummel them, EVEN SUMMON MINIONS LIKE “PAIN & PANIC”!

Oh yeah! And Gargos has Bison’s “Psycho Crusher”!

There’s gotta be something like…

As I said before:

If you’re talking about iconic moves then I agree. Eyedol should have like a move where he stomps the opponent like goro/kintaro would in MK.

A new move for eyedol could be a flurry of punches like goro in mkx.
A new grapple where eyedol runs/tramples over the opponent.
He can have another new move where he attaches the opponent to his club and slams them repeatedly.

Since gargos has bison’s psycho crusher then eyedol should have shao kahn’s upward shoulder attack:

Since Gargos is the “Bison” of KI, let’s hope Eyedol can be something like both Goro & Shao Kahn.

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Here’s Gargos’ new moveset

  • Oblivion: Portal punches
  • Reckoning: Which is similar to Bison’s Psycho Crusher.
  • Devil’s Divide: Grabbing his opponent’s throat and does any moves with it. Such as a portal drop or an energy absorption.
  • Summon Minions: Izzik & Dretch

But with Eyedol’s new moveset

  • A stomp like Goro, Kintaro & Sheeva
  • A hammer attack & a shoulder charge like Shao Kahn.

From the KI wiki page about etedol’s moves:

Fireball: Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Any Punch.
Horn Charge: Back, Forward, Quick Punch.
Mace Swing: Back, Forward, Fierce Punch.
Forward Leaping Mace: Back, Forward, Quick Kick.
Upward Leaping Mace: Back, Forward, Medium Kick.
Backward Leaping Mace: Back, Forward, Fierce Kick.
Energy Stomp: Back, Medium Punch.

True I guess. But those look too simple. Except the fireball.

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Which ones would you replace, improve or eliminate completely?

His horn charge can be similar to kahn’s shoulder charge but with eyedol’s head/s instead.
I really like his leaping mace attacks, could be useful against air attacks and for dodging projectiles.

I would eliminate the leaping.

Improve the fireballs, horn charge, mace swing & energy stomp.

Eyedol should have a new weapon like an axe since Aganos now uses a mace from stone. Better yet… both an axe and hammer.

Fireballs… I’d say one of his heads can do that. And one could shoot a laser from its eye.

Anybody got storywise thoughts? Including pop cultures to put in? Eyedol was inspired by the cyclops from Jason & the Argonauts. How about something else than him being another demon lord like Gargos? He can be alien instead.

Gargos has a mix of Gargos and demon Baphomet vibe.

This one’s really good. Good excuse to have more moves. The fireballs could go straight and the laser can be shot upwards as an anti-air or he could shoot it downward and moves up really quick in an arc type motion.

As for story:

Character Relationships:

*Eternal rival and enemy of Gargos. The two have clashed on many occasions, and he was pulled from Limbo to the Earth during one of their battles. Upon his defeat, Gargos was able to rise to power uncontested.

*Ally of Ultratech, although somewhat reluctant. He had little choice but to comply with their commands when they pulled him from Limbo, due to his weakened state after the fight with Gargos.

*Enemy of Jago, due to Jago’s unconscious connection to Gargos.

*Enemy of Orchid. He was destroyed by her in the original Killer Instinct.

Eyedol is Ultratech’s trump card. Remember the warlords from the Prologue story? Well, Eyedol is one of them. Ultratech’s scientists snatched him out of Limbo to do battle with the finalist in this year’s Killer Instinct tournament. Little did they realize what kind of power they were releasing when they set Eyedol free from his magical prison…

Extended Story
Eyedol and his greatest rival, Gargos - known only in the modern world to the Monks of the Tiger as the great Spirit they serve - were the last surviving Warlords of ancient times, battling for ultimate control of the land. The heroes of the age joined together to banish them to Limbo, and for 2000 years there they stayed: but now Ultratech’s meddlings have resulted in a device that can scan the void for life, and despite their efforts to shut it down before anything nasty gets out, a weakened Eyedol manages to break through at the last minute, right into the company’s scheming hands.

These 2 are also from the KI wiki.

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