3.8 Tier List by Infil

This my main problem when using Kilgore since I use Omen and a bit of Shago, transitioning from two characters that have no trouble opening you up to character feels like everything he does is extremely punishable.

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Of course! But what I mean is Killgore doesnt have a lot of options to get in like other characters. His MP is more like a down HP which can throw you off when your muscle memory is used to crouching MP as a good poke. His metal ball isnt a great opener and his chain gun dash can have a weird timing going into an AD.
Sometimes his best option to get in is a jump in attack.

My brain is just too muscle memory trained with Omens buttonsā€¦ so its hard for me to get creative with Killgoreā€™s buttons without just totally omitting any play with Omen. other characters arent so difficult but Killgore is different.

And @REYNOSOFUA11 seems to have the same problem I am having. But the above is the best way I can describe it. Im sure someone will drop in here and tell me Im wrong or whateverā€¦ but thats the only way I know how to describe Kilgore and how he feels. Im not trying to get all fancy and technicalā€¦ actually Im trying to find the simplest ways to get in that Im just not thinking of and who better to learn that from than a Killgore main? I dont know any Kilgore mains either.

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Aside from possibly Sleep, thereā€™s a streamer named Maury (i think his twitch username is like 0maury064) that plays a lot of Kilgore and is pretty good at handling him. Might look up his stream if you are not familiar with him.

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Thatā€™s awsome bro! You learned aria she is a ton of fun i know.

Best characters to lean towards are these 10 imo mira/Aria/Fulgore/gargos/cinder/maya/omen/Glacius/rash and raam no order but these will get you super far in tournament.


Yeah he has a pretty amazing kilgore i approve

Shago sucks imo from his s3 form he has alot of holes in his gameplay. You honestly just have too let him hang himself ot just be patient he does no real damage.

Shago is considered a ā€œscrub killerā€ character similar to bison in sfv or jakie briggs in mkx. These characters usually use the opponents unfamiliarity to the match up to their advantage. They get away with using unsafe moves or strategies because of the unfamiliarity. Lab up the match up , have sets with shago players and eventually you will be able to distinguish his unsave moves and punish. Shago is definitely not a good character


Would you agree that arbiter is pretty much unviable in competitive play ? I just cant see him winning any tournaments in his current state.

I know you werenā€™t asking me, but I donā€™t think this at all.

While he does have a couple of winning mu that might make him a somewhat viable secondary , I truly believe that no one could win a entire tournament as him

Arbiterā€™s harder counterpicks arenā€™t the most popular characters. But I can see where youā€™re coming from.

Who knows , one day we might get a infiltration hakan moment with a arbiter pick lol

He does beat Sadira, but thatā€™s not saying much. :stuck_out_tongue:

At this stage idk why anyone would play her.

No he doesnā€™t lol

Actually he does. He has great jump range to knock her out of the air. While she CAN dance around his head, his armor boost nullifies any web attack, of which limits what she can do. He can snipe her at range with his gun, and if she gets her cornered, its pretty much game over.

Even IF she pops instinct, once his armor is on, he can completely bypass her defenses.

While I can win the matchup, and while it isnā€™t as bad as Gargos, itā€™s certainly uphill, if Iā€™m faced with a good Arbiter who knows how to do his set ups.

While she is certainly not in a great place right now, she is still a LOT of fun to play with.

I appreciate the Shago advice. I simply canā€™t react to him yet.

As for Rash, I can really only fight him with Aganos. Otherwise idk.

Rash is in a similar ball game as shago , where alot of his pressure seams safe while in actuality its the complete opposite. Any character who has a dp/ reliable AA/ amour move can punish his wrecking ball freely. Other pressure can be contested as well as his wake ups . Again I would recommend labbing up the mu with characters , play good rash players or even play the character yourself and discover his flaws.

Yes i strongly believe arbiter is one of weaker characters in the game, and will never make top 8 in his current state. Still fun too play non competitive