3.6 Patch Notes

Will we see Kilgore and new characters’s trailers?
@TheKeits @rukizzel


Aww nothing special for ARIA…I’m sad. @TheKeits @rukizzel. Did ARIA get any bug fixes at the very least?

Oh and @rukizzel That mustache man…it’s gotta go.

So are these three new characters still part of Season 3…or are they for Season 4?

They are Season 3.5



He is coming out January.

Good point actually! :grinning:

Or maybe they’re…Season 3.6.


On looks alone I think I may have just found a new main xD

What do you prefer? We’ve moved more towards video since it is easily digested and shareable (time and personnel it takes to do a stream is much higher). Video doesn’t showcase the awesome IG staff and their innate knowledge of moves, setups, etc. So while we used to cater more towards streams, lately more towards vids. Does this work better? Worse?

You already know the answer on this one. Something about staying tuned.

Anything can happen, but as it stands Kilgore is not set to get a trailer.

Barber just cleaned me up the night before and took a little too much off of it. Too noticeable. But whatever it shall grow back!

Stay tuned, but they are not part of any Season. Can tell you that for sure.


I’m excited for new characters! I just really really hope they’re not all alternate versions of already existing characters. You guys do amazing stuff when your creativity isn’t restricted (Kan-Ra, Aganos, Mira, etc). I want to see more of that! :slight_smile: Having 2 Jagos, and now 2 Fulgores, is making me nervous.

Similarly, I hope all new customization content, or other “skin packs”, wont be solid colored versions of already existing skins. The Gold Skins are the only additional content in KI that I’m not interested in - and I was one of the people that rated customization options as being super high on the list of importance in the polling, for whatever that’s worth.

The Thunder skins gives me hope for more original customization content though. Looks good!

More characters!? Awesome! Any guests? Kinda want Noctis from FFXV right now :slight_smile:

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I wonder how Kilgore will grab without having hands?

He looks cool but Fulgore will always be better…always

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No trailer eh?..Hmmmmm sounds just like bonus characters. But without official reveals and what not.

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He will hug you.


Awesome stuff.

Will the new meter progress be retroactive based on your SL progress to date?

I for one really like the idea of having a video version if the patch notes in addition to the regular Text stream, especially if they’re as well presented as they usually are. Gives us a chance to see changes (as well as skins and characters) in action, rather than just reading about them and theory crafting.
Keep the textual part for posterity and all the abundant little details, but for major points like balance changes or new releases having a video is marvelous!


I like streams but they shine the most when there’s a new character involve. It becomes like an event that I am anticipating to watch. I get to see the “Keits special” and some glimpses of what the new character can do For patches that don’t have a character then a video will do fine.

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He’ll probably be the first character in KI to not have a grab if not he could do something akin to glacius where instead of an energy blast he fires off them guns.

That Kan-Ra change is huge.

“Don’t you dare throwing stuff at me! For I am the King of stuff now!”



Oh and one more thing to ask.

Is killgore the CCIX model mentioned in the novella? Or is it the one that you find in the abandoned UT facility where you access different security levels in SL’s?