3.6 Patch Notes

We hid Kilgore tidbits in Shadow Lords. You all found them with ease!


Oh…so the UT facility “thing” you find IS killgore? Well…not gona lie…kinda disappointed on that one.

S3 didn’t have teases. Now we don’t even get a trailer. What sorcery is this? I blame Kan-Ra even though he did nothing wrong.




Yeah yeah go stuff a sock in it.


Technically speaking, Kilgore is not a part of Season 3.

Hmm. Kilgore is in the same row as S3 though. If he isn’t a part of S3, wouldn’t it make more sense to put the new characters on the bottom? Unless…S4 CONFIRMED


Being a Fulgore player, Fulgore can’t do that now. If you put out multiple weak (slow) fireballs on screen, you have to wait until they are all gone before you can throw another…buuuuut. You can use heavy laser all day though even though that fire ball is still on screen.

Do we have to buy him or is it granted to Season 3 purchasers?

The way to unlock him is similar to:
Omen: he is a bonus character for season 3?
Shago: not part of any season and must be adquired separately?
None of these?

I was thinking about something like:

If you have s1 Ultra edition, you get Kilgore
If you have s2 ultra edition, you get #2 character
If you have s3 ultra edition, you get #3 character

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Got it! Thx! Fulgore instinct 3.6 = lockdown mode!

Am I the only who thinks Glacius didn’t need a cold shoulder buff? that ■■■■ already hurts enough as is!

Also poor Cinder weaker damage with burnout enders and not much else to compensate. Looks like I’ll just have to work even harder to beat Glacius now.

On the brighter side:
As a Fulgore main:
I don’t think the instinct change is going to affect me that much since I always fight to get my pips anyway. If anything this will just makes me scarier HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE!


KILGORE WOOOO!! And I wanna see this fulgore exclusice color damn it! also I want more details on how to get that meter up, also: I wanna see what they in store!

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I need to bring your attention to a little quote from @rukizzel in the video

Feel free to throw down with us every Tuesday.

I’d like to draw your attention to the


Part of that.

Let’s let that sink in.

This means that KI going to be getting weekly updates for a while. For how long? Well, with 3 new characters coming, and the first being in January…
We’re getting new stuff every week until at least March!


I don’t know if they’ll have updates every tuesday, but they will probably plan to stream and share information with us. Which is still cool. I can dig it.

11/21 - 3.5
11/28 - Tiger
12/6 - Gold Skin Pack 1
12/13 - Gold Skin Pack 2
12/20 - 3.6
12/27 - Terror Skin Pack
1/3 - ???
1/10 - ???

You get the gist. Whether a skin pack, Guardian, sale, or character, we want to have some sort of event (this includes Double XP, or other weird tricks up our sleeves) every week.



Im on vacation during 2 weeks starting tomorrow

3.6 drops tomorrow

*Tears of joy


You hit the jack pot for timing my friend.


RE: Balance, all looks nice and makes sense.

  • I like the adjustments to Jago’s EX Fireball simultaneously addressing “safe DP crap” and the “unbreakable lifeswing” without any sort of (clunky) mechanical change. I think the PD change may benefit the life juggles enough to make this not a total loss afterall (?). We’ll see tomorrow.
  • Clever Fulgore changes. I didn’t expect another damage nerf, but considering 15 seconds of free pip-cancels, it makes sense.
  • Ouch on the Orchid EX.Rekka nerf. Source of major advantage becoming heavy-punishable never felt good, ever.
  • Didn’t see the Glacius adjustment coming. I kinda like it. Encourage proper frontloading of punishes, while making me die a little less when I lockout against him? Okay.
  • Totally saw the Spinal meter gain readjustment coming. Glad y’all were ready for it - but I overall appreciate the “go hard and then tone it down” method to it’s opposite.
  • Cool Kan-Ra buff. Proj.inv. command grabs are neato.
  • I’m kinda glad I don’t play Arbiter. Every patch looks like it hurts.
  • All the PD-related adjustments sound just dandy. Interesting that there was zero change to ARIA. I’m excited for her future (pardon the pun).

RE: Kilgore - I’m always stoked for new characters, especially when I don’t expect them. I don’t mind the recycling of assets for new stuff either. But what the stuff is a Kilgore, and what of all that polling? Please oh dear lawd please do not let those other 2 slots be filled by Shorchid & Joanna. Moreover, if Kilgore, what of Eagle? Ooh ooh ooh, I know? Can this be more a ‘Fulgore’ chapter, and we get two purer versions of “Fulgore’s” halves (murderbot & Eagle)!? This leaves one to spare, very nice. I just don’t understand what of all the hubbub about the poll results if Kilgore is a playable…

It’s all good though. If ever I had faith in a dev team, it’s you guys. Keep up the great work!

will there be a stream before Kilgore is released?