3.1 Patch Notes

I dont understand the Rash boot change.

It says it has the same frame advantage than a non run cancelled boot. But hasnt boot a frame disadvantage? Beginning from -2 to -8 or so? So is run cancel boot always - on block? I try to understand why i should ever run cancel a boot on block now vs good players or why i should ever use it over head ram on block now. Maybe i am missing something or understand wrong.

Nice patch notes. I really do wish that you guys would tweak TJ a bit. I see that I’m one of the very few that’s still playing with him. He just has such a difficult time matching up to the current roster. A lot of bad matchups. He needs a tool for anti-air. Something. Anything. Please. He’s already a poor defensive player and when he’s up against double jumping or flying characters it’s just such a terrible experience. You also took away the ability for his Tremor to hit behind him, making it very very difficult to play against teleport spammers. Because all TJ can really do against a rear teleport is to grab, this will leave him very open when they teleport to the front is performed instead by his opponent. You’ve introduced all of these deflect characters that can see TJ’s offense ( some of the most tedious normals in the game, even Aganos’s jab is faster) coming from a mile away and counter him easily. I’ve also noticed that since he was introduced that his standing grab range is the shortest in the game. I grabbed and whiff, and then my opponent grabs successfully. And we are unchanged in our distance from each other. Very strange. I mean, you guys have already made TJ players relearn him at least twice. He’s gone from a top-tier player in the hands of experienced players, to a low tier player in those same hands. Just look at the rankings online. I think that there is one TJ in the top 32. I have to work really hard with him and pull off some very difficult Maneuvers to not get broken, since you Nerfed his animations on his punches as well. And many of my friends that used to play with him have abandoned him entirely.

I know most likely that nothing will happen. But, I thought I would speak my mind anyway. Great game, but I don’t agree with the character design direction or balancing in alot of Season 2 and 3.

  • I’ve also noticed that TJ appears to be the character that most frequently has no auto correct on his moves, and sometimes his tremor goes the complete opposite direction when it really shouldn’t. I lose my cash out when that happens also. So frustrating.

Is there a fix for survivall in the patch that plays rash’s theme on kan ras stage? Cause I’m guessing the same thing will apply to mira on sabre’s stage.

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l.swarm changed from being -1 to -3.
It is the only version that combos from cr.MK.

They ‘buffed’ h.swarm (still -1) which nobody ever used because you can’t combo into it.

This is a huge nerf.

Do you even play kan-ra?


One more thing. Please correct the glaring issue of characters being able to air block as they fall to the ground but haven’t landed yet. I noticed this problem over a year ago, and it occurs offline as well. I also have a video if you would like.

Perfect example
 Glacius goes for a neutral jump and heavy kick
 I powerline cancel to roll to shadow uppercut. Perfectly timed. Somehow, Glacius blocks it on the way down. We reviewed the video. You can clearly see that Glacius’s extended leg is probably a foot off the ground. When the shadow uppercut makes contact you can see Glacius immediately warp to the ground and block. This is bogus. I’ve seen this happen numerous times online/offline with other characters as well. It seems to happen when Thunder is jumping with heavy use against me as well or trying to cross me up with a heavy. Shadow uppercut stuffed on the way down in the air. It’s not that unusual to see if you’re paying attention. I’m surprised that this is not been raised as more of an issue. It can drastically change the outcome of a match.

That’s normal in fighting games, what’s happening is that you’re trying to punish him a split second too late and what’s happening is that his landing animation is happening before you can punish him.

It’s normal to not be able to hit someone out of the air that’s clearly not on the ground? Not in the fighting games that I’ve played. Ki needs a better transition from air to ground. More frames of animation. Characters shouldn’t skip from a foot off of the ground to immediately on the ground in a blocking position. Sorry, sounds like you’re making excuses.

Yeah, especially during SEASON 3. Who woulda thunk? :stuck_out_tongue:

If they’re close to the ground, then yes. If this is happening when they’re at the top of their jump arc then it’s a different story, but to me it sounds like you’re trying to hit him right before his landing animation starts

We are playing different fighting games then. And I’ve been playing them for 25 years. So I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is something I definitely would have noticed. KI does a poor job at implementing this.

You can slow down any fighting game footage of a jump normal and see that the landing animation starts way before they’re about to hit the ground, especially in fighters with 3D models. The other most obvious example of being able to see this is in SF4 (especially since KI took heavy inspiration from SF4 at the time.)

Does anyone know when the patch will drop?

No I don’t. That’s not great but Kan Ra is not the only person left at -3 after an attempted opener. In fact most of the time Jago will be at -3 in that exact situation as the standard string for him is cr.mk xx medium wind kick. Since other characters are often at -3 and don’t get DP punished (not least of which because it is a very unsafe 1 frame punish that doesn’t lead to a full combo) I reiterate that I think you’ll be fine.

if you do cr.mk xx medium wind kick I think you are playing him wrong.

People still don’t know how bad kan-RA’s frame data is in S3. I am getting away with murder all the time. Lab him up. There is not a single reason, you shouldn’t just hold jump-forward whenever he puts you in block stun.

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Okay I thought it was a string used by Jago’s. At max range does cr.mk into laser sword hit? I know one of the reasons Jago players were complaining a while back is because cr.mk into light wind kick wasn’t a combo at max range anymore, and the workaround that was suggested was using medium wind kick instead. Am I remembering this wrong?

No, you’re fine. He’s just giving you a hard time because he wants to carry on about a change from -1 to -3 on block being a huge nerf to his character. As if Kan Ra was intended to have lots of block strings and be a pressure/mixup character. Until they get rid of his insane j.HP I don’t have any sympathy for people complaining about Kan Ra’s normals

Tons of Jago players do c.MK xx Med wind kick. But it’s negative on block and can be punished by lots of things, including throws. c.mk xx med laser sword is plus in block so a much safer option. But you are correct that it won’t hit at range. So both guys are right that using med wind kick is not a good option - but lots and lots of Jago players do it. Clearly people are not punishing them enough.

Lots of minor changes in here. Making Tusk’s sword normals openers is huge, especially for his stagger into sword normal manual combos. Those go really slow and can now be easily broken (and potentially counterbroken). I never complain about things becoming breakable, because KI is about breakers and counter breakers, but this will change a lot of things.

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Why is no one excited about new flipouts? Every character falls the same speed, meaning Kim Wu is now not my mortal enemy. TJ and Riptor mainly, but every character is buffed basically for timing.

Oh right, yeah. As an Arbiter player this change is welcome.

Does anyone know what time the update will be out?