100$ PRIZE POOL April 15th 6pm Central Online KI Tourament by DARK DIMENSIONS

50, 25, 15, 15. And I mentioned through code

I may raise the pool, but dont quote me

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Gotta give ya an update. I just accepted a job position of charge nurse, but most of my hours are weekend shifts, so I don’t think I’ll be able to make the tournament.

@EctopicILLusion -?

Two out of three, or first to three?

Also please be aware everyone who participates, this tourney will take a few hours and you will have to sit in between 3-4 hours. And also it is CENTRAL TIME, so if you live in a different time zone, Plan accordingly

Did you get my message about the new job?


Two out of three until the semis sounds good.FT3 the whole way takes a really long time unless everyone gets dunked 3-0 every set.

@EctopicILLusion gamertag?

His gt is the same as his forum name.

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Cool Cool, Btw your date on bracket sign up says Dec 30th 2016. fyi

Sadly, I wont be able to make this anymore due to the date being the same time as Prom. Ugh. If only I liked Killer Instinct more lmao :joy:

So apparently kross up maybe changing their date to this. Idk if it’s final yet but since I’m tied for 8th I wouldn’t be able to join this.

Remember that it’s the 15th

Not 8th. Unless I’m misinterpreting something

Yeah kross up is on the 15th now as well.

I’m tied for 8th place with daa chronicle. So I’ll be playing in kross up. Assuming I’m off work.

I signed up my GT is RiddlesOC