100$ PRIZE POOL April 15th 6pm Central Online KI Tourament by DARK DIMENSIONS

Just be aware guys awards went come out RIGHT when the tournament ends, I get paid the 16th and yes I use my own money. And rent, and responsibilities come first. But you will all recieve reward. And rewards will come out as 1st.$50 2nd.$25 3rd.$15 4th.$15 through xbox code

Dude you must really be passionate about KI. :confused:

Well, i try my best to make the tournament fun and something for people to join and learn something new, but sometimes people only join for the money :confused: but im ok with that, because im willing to give for the community because its the greatest fighter in history (in my opinion)


I need practice for Combo Breaker.

That’s why I said some lol

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we need more people like you in the community that want push ki. @hyperpyro12345 how many ki tournaments have you done? just curious, and fyi if you didnt notice on your sign ups your date and time is wrong, can you change it to the right time so i can get notified that i have a tournament to compete in. it would really help out.


I’ve done I belive 5 now, and I love this game to death, I want to honestly go pro rn, because I finally got over my biggest obstacle which was my friend and the anger that almost made me quit the game because of him, and now im doing leagues better than what I was, sorry about the date being wrong on challonge @PCKPharrohYami I have yet to change that XD, I love running tournaments for everyone it’s great, it teaches me how other people are, gets me to meet new people and learn, and it also teaches me how to be a commentator and how to become better as a speaker


I need practice against Kim Wu, BADLY


@hyperpyro12345 awesome. always love seeing more dedicated people. If you could change the date when you can that would be awesome. I have a bad memory so challonge will remind me about it if the date is set right you know. I look forward to your tournament and hope to see you at the start of my new season of Combo Killers.

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Thought about entering for a second just to make up numbers, but my in-laws are here for Easter weekend. Have fun, everybody

Dont forget there has to be 16 people to show up to the tourney as well for it to be $100 or otherwise it will be $50 also dont forget there is a preshow an hour before the tourney so if you want practice matches, to warm up id be there. Also ill be checking in with everyone to make sure there going Friday. Thank you guys!

@AKiDNam3DRios gamertag?

“Salty Foal is mah Gamertag man, lol. It was banned
and now this is what I’m stuck with until I
cough up more money to change it.
Just for confirmation the GT is:

I want to pay Microsoft as much money as they
will accept, to change mine my game tag. I hope they empty
my bank account.

Ill make it Pussyfoot if they charge me enough.

DONT FORGET THE PRESHOW STARTS TODAY AT 5PM CENTRAL GUYS, I’ll try to check in with yall later


Can I still sign up for this?

How long should we expect the tournament to take? Hopefully 3-4 hours max.

@iDoMusic4Media yes of course and @SonicDolphin117 yes hopefully

Hey everyone were starting pre show in 20 mins

signed up!

im getting food