100$ PRIZE POOL April 15th 6pm Central Online KI Tourament by DARK DIMENSIONS

aww hell yea my favorite aganos player joining

april 15th 6pm central time

@MnTLetalis saturday

saturday might work for me

Same rules apply. They usually don’t schedule me on both rather one or the other.

I think I’ll put tournaments on hold until I’m semi-decent at this game. That 0-2 life takes its toll after a while.


Hey guys these are the people currently signed up and their xbox gamertags, if I dont have your gamertag please put it below, H means that I already have your gamertag

@GeneralScrebor -H
@MnTLetalis -?
@blandestjohn -H
@SonicDolphin117 -H
@JouksNetlander -?
@SlenderCashew50 -?
@ItzTymeToDul -?
@SaltyFoal586648 -?
xXimmaninjaXx -H
Hacktheplanet -H (otherwise know as ItsGamingGhost in the last tourney)
@DescartesTruth -?
@STLemonHunter -?
Galactic Geek-H
Titancommander7- H

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mine is HWSlenderCashew

Salty Foal is mah Gamertag man, lol. It was banned and now this is what I’m stuck with until I cough up more money to change it.
Just for confirmation the GT is:


Ill keep adding on if more people join

Mine is ST LemonHunter

Same my forum name.

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you got mine correct

Hilmkeith -?

@SLHiImKeith -?


nvmd lol i have your gamertag

yes this is your riptor god

MnT Letalis

How will be the prize distributed?

Which % goes for the winner, finalist, etc?