Worst choice for character


Steve Irwin aka The Crocodile Hunter
Jeff Corwin
Nigel Marven
Bear Gyrlls
Les Stroud

Fulgore Aria and Kilgore grabs the pop corn and watches Optimus and Megatron go at it.
Fulgore: should someone tell them, they are here to fight us?
Kilgore: nah this is way funnier
Aria: now this is entertainment.


Craigy he’s a fiesty bugger, he said as eyedoll smashed his face in from a headlock.
Steve: of course eyedolls are extremely sensitive about their goat balls.
Combo breaker
Craigy he’s really mad
Eyedoll clubs him across the face
Jaw bone breaker

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Austin Powers
Steven Hawking
The Tick
Master Chief
Nathan Drake

I’d rather they jus tnot ever be consider or even realized. They’re annoying enough in MVC3 why should they pollute KI with their presence?

Oh yeah, don’t put em in ki. No, I want to see the on YouTube on an episode of death battle.

Tick: let me show you how a real hero does it moth boy.
Eyedoll kicks him for a field goal.
Tick: I’m great, and full of myself
Eyedoll: touchdown

Austin Powers vs orchid
Austin: do I make you horny baby
Orchid: fire cat

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New Kids On the Block
Backstreet Boys
98 Degrees

Next up we have
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Rescue rangers
Rug rats
Sterling Archer and Lana Cane

Oh geez. All of them against gargos. Just so he can suck out all their souls.

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Bill Nye the Science Guy
Mr. Wizard
Captain Disillusion

Oh wow are those plasma blades?
Fulgore gunna demonstrate how effective the plasma blades are
Fulgore stabs him in the stomach.
Bill: see kids, they work great.


Steve Urkel
Larry and Balki (Perfect Strangers)
ALF aka Gordon Sumway
The Mighty Ducks (Animated series)

A day in the life of Steve Urkel. In this world our hero is in love with the prom queen hisako. But poor Steve will never get the chance to make himself look cool as he gets atomic wedgies from Maya and swirlies from tusk. On most days Steve can deal with this but when Maya teams up with Mira and the rest of the cheerleaders, Steve would rather get tea bagged by the fulgore brothers. In keeping with the typical daily routine would happen in 3, 2, 1. Steve chipped a tooth on fulgore pelvic chasy, Kilgore laughed and said mockingly “Did I do that?”

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Ariana Grande
Britney Spears
Christina Aguilera
Fifth Harmony
Eden’s Crush
Mariah Carey
Paula Abdul

Pit all of them against tusk. So much estrogen, not enough testosterone. This battle could probably go either way. Tusk with his brute strength vs sheer naggery I guess

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Woody Alan vs General Raam


Guest characters and clone characters.

Game Grumps
Two Best Friends Play