Worst 3D Mortal Kombat characters

That is a really sweet thought. I personally don’t feel like KI is the place though. But like I said, taking an idea or taking inspiration from something to make a new character is a cool way to make something your own.

You can’t list “worst” MK 3D characters without the dude with the club hand and the flies buzzing around him. Whatever his name was…

I’m aware of that.

But at least he’s been thrown into the MK Deadpool for good along with Moloch.

Drahmin. I liked him as a design and backstory, but his gameplay was awful.

Well to each his own. I think not having skin is an overrated design feature…

He does have skin, it’s just rotten and wrinkled.

Kan-Ra sees that and goes, “Maybe if I moisturize enough, one day…”

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