Women (and men but mostly...) in KI

I don’t even play Overwatch and this pisses me off. If that pose on a fully clothed woman triggers SJWs then god knows how long it will be till this art form is completely devoid of artistic integrity.
I would think that a big company like blizzard would know that this one poor schmo doesn’t represent anyone other than himself. Hopefully the gigantic outcry from everyone against this decision will make them reconsider.

I feel you man. Many many years ago when I was just a young lad I felt I was ahead of the curve (and evidentally I was) when it came to female designs in video games.
My stance wasn’t so much about over sexualization (it was a bit) but about what looked good and what didn’t look good, and what was just trite.

Tracer standing to face away from us really should be offending absolutely nobody. I wish I had beta access just so I could post on their forums and ■■■■■ about it.

Meanwhile Cammy has been showing us her wonderful butt for over 25 years.

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