Why would you Nerf Omen?

Hey I can dream! But Hisako has counter, so I think she is in decent shape

Heh. Counter is an amazing tool to be sure, but like most moves it has its own set of significant drawbacks. The price we pay for having a “reversal” that leads to full combo is that counter loses to a lot of stuff that other wakeup attacks will beat. It loses to neutral jump (pretty common among grounded invincible reversals), but also throw (fairly rare for an invincible reversal), and we’ve actually got to correctly guess high or low as well, which no other reversal almost in the history of ever has to worry about.

Counter as a wakeup is actually a pretty bad choice to make in general. One of the common themes you’ll see in the Hisako sub-forum is that we tend to say “the better you get with Hisako, the less you’ll counter with her”. Unless they’re hitting you with something super telegraphed or obvious that you can react to, it’s almost always better to simply down+back and weather the pressure normally or to just take the throw - whiffing counters is a fantastic way to get blown up with Hisako. :slight_smile:

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Yeah in my trek to LVL 50 with her I wasn’t able to use to often unless I got a good read.

I also wasnt able to hit Air ORzo very often either. Just seemed like it would never reach or I would get DP out of it.

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Yeah, air-ORZ is one of those things that you have to do at pretty specific ranges, even in S2 where it was plus and faster in general. The most common use of it (wall jump into ORZ) will get you DP’d relentlessly against better players. :-p

Counter is largely a “feel” thing I’ve found. Generally speaking it’s a guess whenever you do it, except for those screen flash situations that occur with shadows and the like.

Omen is fine I got him to 50 just before s3 strictly through ranked matchs and right now in s3 hes the char I win most fights as. His db light punch is one of the best wake up moves as even if you get hit the little ball tends to smack em on the back of the head. Also I get level 4 enders EVERY combo without using shadows just do his light medium heavy shadow lockout thing 2 and a half times followed by ender. It always is level 4. Also I can keep most people stun locked with just the standing medium kick it so quick.

This is probably not realistic against better players. You’ll be free to counterbreak of course, but most players aren’t going to just let a full around the world rock.


Exactly counter breakers are part of my plan, if they manage to catch on then it becomes a game of whether or not I will counter break. But besides that more people lock out on it than youd think, especially if you start from high then go to low or even medium.