Ok, wel hell its not that great. Id much rather use shadow form than that POS. Its not good enough to call it a bloody meter less reversal for gods sake. lol
the heavy one is actually better on recovery and coverage…but since the start up is so slow its not worth a ■■■■ on wake up.
The best move Omen has right now is Medium Rashakuken…+17
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I don’t like light orda shield. I’d rather just block or burn meter on shadow form. Not like meter is hard to get.
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I wouldn’t let the frame fool you unless you test it yourself.
Frame fool you? what do you mean. MEd Rash? Ive tested it…its the sheet!
Frame data fool you. There’s still some typos flying around.
Omen is so much stronger in S3. I have a Level 50 Omen, and his setups are a lot stronger and deadlier. I might even consider playing him again.
That’s exactly what it is though Seraphs. Just because it doesn’t beat every setup known to man doesn’t change the fact that light orda shield removes Omen’s hurtbox on wakeup and puts out a hit box. It’s certainly not the best meterless invincible reversal, but it absolutely is an invincible meterless reversal. If I knock you down and meaty MK you and you light orda, you will win that exchange, and it still catches certain meaty crossups. That’s a heck of a lot better than what much of the rest of the cast has.
True-ish, but what really makes it bad on wakeup is that fact that the heavier versions of orda don’t remove Omen’s hurtbox - he’s fully vulnerable to meaty attacks if he goes to anything that isn’t the light orda.
I’m not Omen player. But I know how you feels because they ruined Kan-Ra… I’m still not happy to use him…
When i saw that Med Rasha was +17, i couldn’t believe it, so i tested it. Its wrong.
Try this:
-practice mode.
-Set him to block everything.
-hit him with Forward-HP
-pause the game
-Set him to “jump”
-unpause the game
-hit him with the light version of rasha, and then hold up.
You will get a clear view of who comes out of recovery first, based on when the jumps happen.
If you test this for all 3 of the variations, you will see that they are all about the same, and that you are not at a very good advantage.
(Make sure you do the move as close to the enemy as possible so that you have lees chance of a slow fireball hitting the opponent to late, and ruining the test.)
Yeah, frame data shown in the game is usually wrong (or weird) for projectiles. Only way you can really know the projectile frame data is to test it yourself.
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Ahh ok, I didnt know that. But why do i still trade hits with Shago or Jago cross ups?
SO why would they put it in as 17? What do you have it listed as? I still find it to work really well …ive been using the crapp out of it and just killing ppl up close.
Combination of two things:
(1) Like most invincible reversals, it’s not really invincible all the way through its animation.
(2) The projectile part of orda shield isn’t instant, and has to actually travel to get to the opponent
Because Omen sits still during his reversal, he’s basically just hoping that his orda projectile will hit the opponent before his hurtbox returns and he loses invincibility. Because the orda has to actually travel to cover his backside, super active meaty crossups like the pizza cutters tend to trade with it. The phenomenon works with other situations as well though - a point blank meaty possession with Hisako will slide just under the projectile for just long enough to hit Omen before the projectile finally touches her.
I wish they wold make Orda like Wulf’s Eclipse… I think that would be best 
A fast projectile DP? Omen would be scary XD
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Honestly being the movement was pulled from Wulf I don’t know why they didn’t make it that way. He really needs it to be honest.
I would like to listen to this chat.
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I watched Rico’s omen recently. It’s still a beast, good luck if he gets you in the corner have fun blocking for eternity.
I pretty much agree. Omen is my main. He feels off.
Except that he doesn’t though. He’s already got shadow form (and 3 meters and a bunch of meter enders), along with a passable backdash. Omen’s wakeup isn’t anywhere near the bottom of the cast even if you completely removed orda shield. You could make a modestly compelling argument that he doesn’t even need the move, except perhaps as an anti-air.
Granted, it’s always better for a character if they do have an invincible meterless reversal, and it’s always better for them if that reversal is better in any number of ways, but I honestly don’t think Omen is gimped enough that you could credibly claim that he has to have a cross-up preventing invincible reversal.